Chapter #2 Examples
Here's an inventory on what we've learned this far.
- Game Prototyping uses simple graphics and focuses on game mechanics.
- Created Game Prototype that accepts inputs.
- Created Game Prototype that moves various game components.
- Created Game Prototype that reacts to internal objects.
- Created a web page to launch our Phaser Prototype.
- Learned about Content Delivery Networks.
- Discovered various game phases and states to modularize our game.
- Learned each Phaser game state has separate functions of which the create and update are the most active.
- Studied a typical Skeleton state file.
- Reviewed the traditional game menu states.
- Discovered a Phaser game can use multiple physics engines, but only one physic engine is assigned to one graphics sprite.
- Created a gamer's representation in the game world.
- Learned how to generate sprite graphics from code.
- Attached speed and velocity to moving game objects.
- Attached various input signals to manipulate game objects.
- Attached reactions to immovable and movable objects.
- Learned how to trigger various behaviors.
- Created game stage boundaries.
- Discovered how to transition game between states.
use the arrow keys to move the blue avatar onto the green avatar.
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