A Music & Rhythm game's mechanics seems simple enough; you play some sound files or music clips and match the gamers’ answers to your defined “correct answers”. The problem with “Music” games is that the selection on the Internet doubles every 35 days! You’ll become hard pressed to “Keep your music up to date” without becoming "dated". This is why many Music & Rhythm games are based on historical hits – you can’t change what’s already happened and the popularity of music from the past decades. If you make the game too simple, no one will play. Right? Tell me honestly; does anyone really play those trivia music games at the restaurant tables while waiting for their waiter/waitress??? I thought so! So, let’s not make those same mistakes. But for the “die-hards” that truly want to soak restaurant clients for that extra $1.99, I’ll include those trivia mechanisms in another chapter. In addition, the Internet media has “trained” everyone to expect fairly interactive gaming. So, there’s no place for long lists of radio-button, multiple choice quizzes for us.
Music & Rhythm game mechanics is a sub-genre of the Puzzle game mechanics and educational audio process. The gamer is “tested” in their knowledge earned either through the current gaming session or life experiences. With this information, let’s “spice up” our audio skills game and create something that is quite stimulating that will mimic real life – a hearing tone test game! “Say what!?”, I hear your thinking. A hearing simulation would involve listening and responding to question sets; what a perfect settings for a Music & Rhythm game. But how do we know which questions to create?
Phaser Game Starter Kit Collection on LeanPub.com: for more details and game rules.
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