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Phaser MultiPlayer Gaming System™

A Massive MultiPlayer Online Game (MMoG) Design Workbook for HTML5 and any Phaser JavaScript Framework

About Phaser MultiPlayer Gaming System™

A Massive MultiPlayer Online Game Design Workbook
for HTML5 and any Phaser JavaScript Framework
Learn to build games in less than 30 days.

This 4th edition includes the game design chapters using the Phaser JavaScript Game Framework v2.6.2, CE and v3.16+ for the front-end and analyzes several freely available back-end servers. This game design workbook takes you step-by-step into massive MultiPlayer online game creation. It uses the extremely popular Phaser client-side browser interfacing into a unique server-side application using WebSockets. It is the only book of its kind to date (since January 2017)!

  • Part I — leads you through 3 chapters on the world of networks, business consideration, MMoG analysis and setting up a workshop.
  • Part II — Guides you into several Multi-player Online Game architectures, the comparison between "game loop events" in normal single-player to multi-player games, and the selection process for MMoG engines. It further lays the foundation for Multi-Player Game Prototypes and reviews a missing aspect in current MMoG development.
  • Part III — has focused chapters on production and development for the client-side, server-side, and MMoG app. This content is what your Phaser tutorials and Phaser Starter-Kits on the market today overlook and never tell you!
  • Part IV (Bonus Content) — features several tutorial walk-through Game Recipes™ workshops. Game Rules, source code, design options, and FREE licenses are included -- each license valued at $48 each.

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Phaser Game Development Content:

Chapter Examples

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Games created from Prototyping
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