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Phaser III Game Design Workbook

Game development guide using HTML5 & JavaScript Game Frameworks.

About Phaser III Game Design Workbook

Game development guide using HTML5 & JavaScript Game Frameworks to build 100s of games with Phaser v3.15+ edition & Gaming Frameworks using Starterkits and Blueprints.
Learn to build games in less than 30 days.

This is a different book format for game development -- unlike anything you have seen. As I create a generic game in html5 using Phaser III JavaScript Gaming Framework, you develop your own bespoke game by simply following and translating my easy concepts into your own game design. When you complete this workbook, unlike other browser game development books, you will have your own game, not a carbon-copy of mine.

This workbook is divided in three parts of bundled chapters! For example, if you have never created an online game in html5 and JavaScript, you might like to read Part I (Chapters 1 through 4), while a seasoned game developer might start with Part II (chapters 5 through 10) and scourer the appendix. The workbook's appendix is a resource dictionary choke full of available books, and open-source FREE assets from the Internet. Each chapter guides you in my decisions and design process ("agile" project management); you will discover why I chose various business and software outcomes -- all of this, in well-commented source-code files in the latest v3.15.x (external to the book's content), so that you can convert these resources into your own production pipeline..

In summary, you complete your own exciting game, in your selected genre, using free open-source Phaser III JavaScript Gaming Framework, and other JavaScript tools by following this step-by-step workbook. The power of Phaser JavaScript Framework is exposed for your development. Bonus Content available conveniently in your LeanPub Library or from this book's website.

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