* File Name: boot.js
* File URL: https://www.adventurers-of-renown.com/GAMEAPP/index.html
* Description: File for controlling initial game shell launch; managing global variables throughout game state.
* Author: Stephen Gose
* Version:
* Author URL: https://www.stephen-gose.com/
* Support: support@pbmcube.com
* Copyright © \u00A9 1974-2017 Stephen Gose LLC. All rights reserved.
* Do not sell! Do not distribute!
* This is a licensed permission file. Please refer to Terms of Use
* and End Users License Agreement (EULA).
* Search for [ //**TODO** ] to tailor this file for your own use and will void any support agreement.
* Redistribution of part or whole of this file and
* the accompanying files is strictly prohibited.
"use strict";
window.GAMEAPP.state.boot = {
preload: function(){
console.log(" %c Game Prototype boot configure browser settings ", "color:white; background:red");
//CORS: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Access_control_CORS
this.load.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
this.game.load.image('R6', 'assets/images/staticRooms/R6.jpg');
this.game.load.image('background', 'assets/images/staticRooms/intro.jpg');
this.game.load.image('story', 'assets/images/staticRooms/story.jpg');
// set world size
this.game.world.setBounds(0, 0, window.GAMEAPP.worldWidth, window.GAMEAPP.worldHeight);
//init mt helper
//set background color - true (set also to document.body)
// load assets for the Loading group ( if exists )
create: function(){
this.background = this.add.image(0, 0, 'background');
// add all game states
for(var stateName in window.GAMEAPP.state){
this.game.state.add(stateName, window.GAMEAPP.state[stateName]);
// goto load state
enableScaling: function(){
var game = this.game;
game.scale.parentIsWindow = (game.canvas.parentNode == document.body);
game.scale.scaleMode = Phaser.ScaleManager.SHOW_ALL;
See Examples here
* File Name: Credit.js
* File URL: https://www.adventurers-of-renown.com/GAMEAPP/index.html
* Description: File for controlling initial entry into game shell and scenes; managing global variables throughout game state.
* Author: Stephen Gose
* Version:
* Author URL: https://www.stephen-gose.com/
* Support: support@pbmcube.com
* Copyright © \u00A9 1974-2017 Stephen Gose LLC. All rights reserved.
* Do not sell! Do not distribute!
* This is a licensed permission file. Please refer to Terms of Use
* and End Users License Agreement (EULA).
* Search for [ //**TODO** ] to tailor this file for your own use and will void any support agreement.
* Redistribution of part or whole of this file and
* the accompanying files is strictly prohibited.
* This file is automatically loaded from state/load.js
* to change default state - change state/load.js at line: 34
window.GAMEAPP.state.credits = {
preload: function (){
console.log(" %c ARRA rv_15 Credits Menu Game Prototype", "color:white; background:red");
GAMEAPP.InfoText = "Game Credits and Information";
//ARRA mainMenu & Story collapse into one scene
this.game.add.image(0, 0, 'menus');
this.load.spritesheet('button', 'assets/spriteSheets/mmog-sprites-silver.png', 129, 30);
//using altas for graphics; loading graphics for the main menu state now;
// they should be in the cache when needed.
// game theme music file should be deferred to splash/language phase.
//navigation and menu buttons;
//two methods to load spriteSheets: 1) classic or 2) texture atlas
//load navigation buttons using classic method
//using programmatic method
create: function () {
//return to main menu txt
var mmtxt = this.add.text(0, 0, "Return", GAMEAPP.styleBTN);
var tooltxt = this.game.add.text(this.world.centerX, this.world.centerY+30, "ARRA is a RPG fantasy game by Stephen Gose Game Studios.\nSteve Gose -- is a professional eLearning specialist and\n managed a multi-national eLearning program for the US & Japan\n regions of a global telecommunication corporation.\n\n Currently is a Professor at UAT.edu and He owns and operates\n PBMCube - Play By Mail, eMail & Modem games,\n and TB-Cube - Training by Blackboard, Books & Browsers an online / eLearning provider).\n\nLearn more at https://www.stephen-gose.com or\n visit his linkedIn page\n https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephen-gose/", GAMEAPP.styleHUD);
text = this.game.add.text(this.world.centerX, 145, "Credits & Help", {
font: "20px Arial",
fill: "#CCC",
align: "center"
text.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);
text.setShadow(3, 3, 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)', 5);
text.fontWeight = 'bold';
tooltxt.anchor.setTo(0.5, 0.5);
tooltxt.setShadow(3, 3, 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)', 5);
tooltxt.fontWeight = 'bold';
//Goto main menu
var buttonContinue = this.game.add.button(this.world.width, this.world.centerY+50, 'button-continue', this.quitGame, this, 1, 0, 2,0);
buttonContinue.x = this.world.width+buttonContinue.width+20;
this.add.tween(buttonContinue).to({x: this.world.width-20}, 500, Phaser.Easing.Exponential.Out, true);
update: function () {
quitGame: function (pointer) {
// Then let's go back to the main menu.
See Examples here
* File Name: combat.js
* File URL: https://www.adventurers-of-renown.com/GAMEAPP/index.html
* Description: File for controlling and displaying combat scenes; managing global variables throughout game state.
* Author: Stephen Gose
* Version:
* Author URL: https://www.stephen-gose.com/
* Support: support@pbmcube.com
* Copyright © \u00A9 1974-2017 Stephen Gose LLC. All rights reserved.
* Do not sell! Do not distribute!
* This is a licensed permission file. Please refer to Terms of Use
* and End Users License Agreement (EULA).
* Search for [ //**TODO** ] to tailor this file for your own use and will void any support agreement.
* Redistribution of part or whole of this file and
* the accompanying files is strictly prohibited.
//design notes: switch seems to be faster than the if statement combat.
//This is original "switched" version rv_8
"use strict";
window.GAMEAPP.state.Combat = {
init: function(){
// Data structures
GAMEAPP.CmbtTurn = 0;
console.log('Intialize Combat Turns: '+GAMEAPP.CmbtTurn)
preload: function(){
console.log("loading combat state");
this.game.load.image('combat', 'assets/images/staticRooms/combat.jpg');
this.load.spritesheet('button', 'assets/spriteSheets/mmog-sprites-silver.png', 129, 30);
//GAMEAPP.LastRoom = GAMEAPP.CrntRoom;
create: function(){
console.log("starting combat state");
var MonsterNdx = MT[GAMEAPP.CrntRoom].Mnstr;
var mGold = Number(M[MT[GAMEAPP.CrntRoom].Mnstr].HGold);
var mGem = Number(M[MT[GAMEAPP.CrntRoom].Mnstr].HGem);
var mFood = Number(M[MT[GAMEAPP.CrntRoom].Mnstr].Food);
console.log("Monster #: "+ MonsterNdx);
console.log("Silver found: "+mGold);
console.log("Gems found: "+mGem);
console.log("Food found: "+mFood);
this.game.add.image(0, 0, 'combat');
var rect = new Phaser.Rectangle(90, 110, 196, 155);
this.game.physics.arcade.setBounds(90, 110, 196, 155);
//Set a neutral background color
this.game.stage.backgroundColor = "#000";
//Set game to ARCADE physics systemLanguage
this.game.renderer.renderSession.roundPixels = true;
this.game.world.enableBody = true;
//Create Room
this.Room = this.game.add.group();
this.Room.enableBody = true;
this.game.physics.enable(this.Room, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);
this.NorthWall = this.game.add.sprite(90,110,box({length:190,width:16,color:'#999'}));
this.NorthWall.enableBody = true;
this.NorthWall.body.immovable = true;
this.NorthWall.visible = false;
this.NorthWall.alignTo(rect, Phaser.TOP_CENTER);
this.SouthWall = this.game.add.sprite(0,200,box({length:190,width:16,color:'#999'}));
this.SouthWall.body.immovable = true;
this.SouthWall.visible = false;
this.SouthWall.alignTo(rect, Phaser.BOTTOM_CENTER);
this.WestWall = this.game.add.sprite(200,16,box({length:16,width:190,color:'#999'}));
this.WestWall.body.immovable = true;
this.WestWall.visible = false;
this.WestWall.alignTo(rect, Phaser.RIGHT_CENTER);
this.EastWall = this.game.add.sprite(90,16,box({length:16,width:190,color:'#999'}));
this.EastWall.body.immovable = true;
this.EastWall.visible = false;
this.EastWall.alignTo(rect, Phaser.LEFT_CENTER);
//toolTip (tt) and RoomAlert (ra) text
this._toolTip = this.game.add.text(this.game.world.width-100, this.game.world.height-90, GAMEAPP.InfoText, GAMEAPP.styleTT);
GAMEAPP.RoomAlert = "";
//toolTip (tt) and RoomAlert (ra) text
GAMEAPP.RoomAlert = "Beware, a " + M[MT[GAMEAPP.LastRoom].Mnstr].Race + " is here!"
this._raTxt = this.game.add.text(this.game.world.width-268, 65, GAMEAPP.RoomAlert, GAMEAPP.styleRA);
var attacktxt = this.game.add.text(0, 0, "Attack" , GAMEAPP.styleBTN); // "Attack" button text;
var firetxt = this.game.add.text(0, 0, "Fire" , GAMEAPP.styleBTN); // "Fire" button text;
var exchangetxt = this.game.add.text(0, 0, "Exchange" , GAMEAPP.styleBTN);
var exittxt = this.game.add.text(0, 0, "Return" , GAMEAPP.styleBTN);
var searchtxt = this.game.add.text(0, 0, "Search" , GAMEAPP.styleBTN);
var dodgetxt = this.game.add.text(0, 0, "Dodge" , GAMEAPP.styleBTN);
var defendtxt = this.game.add.text(0, 0, "Defend" , GAMEAPP.styleBTN);
//Combat narrative HUD
var CmbtTurn = 1;
this.CTurnNum = this.game.add.text(15, 93, "Combat Turn: #"+String(CmbtTurn) , GAMEAPP.styleTT);
//combat narrative for player
this.Narr1txt = this.game.add.text(35, 265, "xx" , GAMEAPP.styleNarrH);
//combat narrative for monster
this.Narr2txt = this.game.add.text(this.game.world.width-350, 265, "xx" , GAMEAPP.styleNarrM);
//Character HUD Display
this.cStmnatxt = this.game.add.text(this.game.world.width-125, 120, String(Person[1].ModStmn) , GAMEAPP.styleCmbtH);
var cWS = ((CCP.WSRaw * 5) + (CCP.Stmn * 2)) + "%";
this.csWStxt = this.game.add.text(this.game.world.width-125, 136, String(cWS) , GAMEAPP.styleCmbtH);
var cPS = ((CCP.BSRaw * 5) + (CCP.Coor * 2)) + "%";
this.csPStxt = this.game.add.text(this.game.world.width-125, 152, String(cPS) , GAMEAPP.styleCmbtH);
this.csWpntxt = this.game.add.text(this.game.world.width-125, 168, String(CCP.WName) , GAMEAPP.styleCmbtH);
this.csArmtxt = this.game.add.text(this.game.world.width-125, 185, String(CCP.AName) , GAMEAPP.styleCmbtH);
this.cExptxt = this.game.add.text(this.game.world.width-45, 103, String(Person[1].TempScore) , GAMEAPP.styleCmbtH);
this.cRenowntxt = this.game.add.text(this.game.world.width-45, 120, String(Person[1].Renown) , GAMEAPP.styleCmbtH);
this.cGoldtxt = this.game.add.text(this.game.world.width-45, 136, String(CCP.HGold) , GAMEAPP.styleCmbtH);
this.cFoodtxt = this.game.add.text(this.game.world.width-45, 152, String(CCP.Food) , GAMEAPP.styleCmbtH);
//Monster HUD Display
this.mStmnatxt = this.game.add.text(this.game.world.width-125, 231, String(Person[6].ModStmn) , GAMEAPP.styleCmbtM);
this.msWStxt = this.game.add.text(this.game.world.width-125, 248, String(Person[6].WS)+"%" , GAMEAPP.styleCmbtM);
this.msPStxt = this.game.add.text(this.game.world.width-125, 265, String(Person[6].PS)+"%" , GAMEAPP.styleCmbtM);
this.msWpntxt = this.game.add.text(this.game.world.width-125, 281, String(M[MT[GAMEAPP.CrntRoom].Mnstr].Weapn) , GAMEAPP.styleCmbtM);
this.msArmtxt = this.game.add.text(this.game.world.width-125, 298, String(M[MT[GAMEAPP.CrntRoom].Mnstr].Armor) , GAMEAPP.styleCmbtM);
this.mRenowntxt = this.game.add.text(this.game.world.width-44, 231, String(Person[6].Renown) , GAMEAPP.styleCmbtM);
this.mGoldtxt = this.game.add.text(this.game.world.width-44, 248, String(M[MT[GAMEAPP.CrntRoom].Mnstr].HGold) , GAMEAPP.styleCmbtM);
this.mFoodtxt = this.game.add.text(this.game.world.width-44, 264, String(M[MT[GAMEAPP.CrntRoom].Mnstr].Food) , GAMEAPP.styleCmbtM);
//ARRA Character Death animation
this.ARRADeath = this.game.add.sprite(1600, 212, 'Death');
// Here we add a new animation called 'show Death'
// Because we didn't give any other parameters it's going to make an animation from all available frames in the ARRA Death sprite sheet
var showDeath = this.ARRADeath.animations.add('showDeath');
// And this starts the animation playing by using its key ("showDeath")
// 30 is the frame rate (30fps)
// true means it will loop when it finishes
this.ARRADeath.animations.play('showDeath', 8, true);
// Attack button deployed off screen
this.attackButton = this.game.add.button(this.world.centerX-800, 338, 'button', this._combatRound, this, 2, 1, 0,1);
// Fire button deployed visible only if armed with Missile weapon.
this.fireButton = this.add.button(152, 338, 'button', this._combatRound, this, 2, 1, 0,1);
// Exchange weapons button
this.exchangeButton = this.game.add.button(this.world.centerX-800, 361, 'button', this._Exchange, this, 2, 1, 0,1);
// Exit button
this.exitButton = this.game.add.button(65, 338, 'button', this._GameReturn, this, 2, 1, 0,1);
// Search button
this.searchButton = this.game.add.button(this.world.centerX-800, 338, 'button', this._Search, this, 2, 1, 0,1);
// Dodge button - available during missile combat only
this.dodgeButton = this.game.add.button(this.world.centerX-800, 338, 'button', this._Cook, this, 2, 1, 0,1);
// Defend button - available during melee & hand-to-hand combat only
this.defendButton = this.game.add.button(this.world.centerX-800, 338, 'button', this._Cook, this, 2, 1, 0,1);
//enemy character
this.enemy = this.game.add.sprite(MT[GAMEAPP.LastRoom].mxPos,MT[GAMEAPP.LastRoom].myPos,'avatar');
this.enemy.frameName = String(M[MT[GAMEAPP.LastRoom].Mnstr].icon+'.bmp');
this.enemy.body.collideWorldBounds = true;
this.game.physics.enable(this.enemy, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);
this.enemy.alignIn(rect, Phaser.BOTTOM_RIGHT);
//place character
this.player = this.game.add.sprite(90,230,'avatar');
this.player.frameName = 'avatar.bmp';
this.player.body.collideWorldBounds = true;
this.cursor = this.game.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys();
this.player.alignIn(rect, Phaser.TOP_LEFT);
update: function(){
this.game.physics.arcade.collide(this.player, this.Room);
this.game.physics.arcade.collide(this.enemy, this.Room);
//Not engaged in melee; if player is dead; show it, and stop the combat
if(Person[1].ModStmn <= 0){
this.player.tint = 0xFF0000;
GAMEAPP.RoomAlert = "Defeated ?!";
CCP.ModStmn = Person[1].ModStmn;
this.attackButton.x = this.world.centerX+800;
this.fireButton.x = this.world.centerX+800;
//Show ARRA Death animation at this.game.world.width-178, 100
this.ARRADeath.x = this.game.world.width-178;
this.ARRADeath.y = 100;
this.ARRADeath.animations.play('showDeath', 8, true);
this.attackButton.x = this.world.centerX-800;
this.defendButton.x = this.world.centerX-800;
this.fireButton.x = 240;
this.dodgeButton.x = 152;
//if monster dead; show it and stop the combat
if(Person[6].ModStmn <= 0){
this.enemy.tint = 0xFF0000;
//GAMEAPP.RoomAlert = "Victory over the " + M[MT[GAMEAPP.LastRoom].Mnstr].Race + "!";
this._raTxt.setText("Victory !");
MT[GAMEAPP.CrntRoom].Mnstr = 0;
this.attackButton.x = this.world.centerX+800;
this.fireButton.x = this.world.centerX+800;
this.ARRADeath.x = this.game.world.width-178;
this.ARRADeath.y = 212;
this.ARRADeath.animations.play('showDeath', 8, true);
//'Killing Blow delivered
GAMEAPP.InfoText = "Monster was slain\n... looking in its backpack.\nYou savage all food, gold & gems ... ";
CCP.ModStmn = Number(Person[1].ModStmn);
CCP.Score += Number(Person[1].TempScore) + Number(Person[6].Coor);
Person[1].TempScore = 0;
Person[6].Coor = 0;
CCP.HGold += Person[6].Gold;
Person[6].Gold = 0;
CCP.HGem += Person[6].Gem;
Person[6].Gem = 0;
CCP.Food += Person[6].Food;
Person[6].Food = 0;
CCP.Renown = Math.ceil((Number(Person[1].Renown)) + Number(Number(Person[6].Renown)/2));
// =========================================================
// Subroutines & Functions - ARRA Combat Module.
// =========================================================
// Combat Finite State machine - see AI chapter in the book.
// Hardcoded percentages according to ARRA game rules.
// Refer to FREE Rule book in file downloadeds.
_CombatSkill: function(EventRoll, TestValue){
var results = 20;
var Critical = 0;
Critical = Math.ceil(TestValue/10)
if (EventRoll <= Critical){ //Player did a critical
results = 10;
return results; //Return a 10
}else if (EventRoll <= TestValue){ //This is a normal hit
results = 1;
return results;
}else if (EventRoll > 94){
//Then Player's Fumbled, This is a new
//circumstance to include - RQ fubbling. BUT For now,
results = 0;
return results;
}else if(EventRoll > TestValue){ //Player's Missed
results = 0;
return results;
_CombatNarrative: function(Who,T){
var ModTtlAP = Person[T].TotalAP;
var AtkWord = "";
var PryWord = "";
var Narrative = "";
var Trash = 1;
var Ndx = 0;
console.log("Who: "+Who+"; Target: "+T)
//Random Adjectives
var AtkWord = "";
var PryWord = "";
var Ndx = 0;
var Atk = 0;
var Pry = 0;
var Hit = 0;
var DamRoll = 0;
var ModTtlAP = 2;
var TxtTkn = "";
var TxtTkn2 = "";
var AtkRoll = 101;
var PryRoll = 101;
var DamRoll = 0;
var ThisAdjWord = ["","",""];
var AdjWord = ["poor ","desperate ","smooth ","skilled ","clever ","quick ","strong ","wicked ","savage ","firm ","ragged ","heavy ","poor ","desperate ",];
//Random Critical Adjectives
//Random Attack Verbs
var RAtkVrb = ["slash ","slash ","chop ","slice ","thrust ","cut ","hack ","chop "];
//Random Parry Words
var RPryVrb = ["block ","block ","parry ","block ","redirect ","parry ","counter ","redirect "];
//Initialize Variables
Trash = Math.floor((Math.random() * 6 + 1));
AtkWord = RAtkVrb[Trash];
Trash = Math.floor((Math.random() * 6 + 1));
PryWord = RPryVrb[Trash];
for (var i=1 ; i < 2 ; i++){
Ndx = Math.floor((Math.random() * 12 + 1));
ThisAdjWord[i] = AdjWord[Ndx];
//Start on this person
//Get Atk & Parry rolls
AtkRoll = Math.floor((Math.random() * 99 + 1));
//CombatSkill Function return 0,1 or 10 given person AtkRoll and Weapon proficiency.
Atk = this._CombatSkill(AtkRoll,Person[Who].WS)
console.log("WHo: "+Who);
console.log("AtkRoll: "+AtkRoll);
if(Atk > 0){
//then discover amount of damage
//Function WeaponDamage returns final resulting damage given person's #.
//fixed at 2D6
//DamRoll = this._GetWpnDamage(2);
for(var i=1; i<=2 ;i++){
DamRoll += Math.floor((Math.random() * 6 + 1));
if (DamRoll<1) {
DamRoll = 1;
console.log("Damage Done: "+DamRoll);
if(Atk == 10){
Ndx = Math.floor((Math.random() * 6 + 1));
ThisAdjWord[1] = CAdj[Ndx];
console.log("Damage Done: NONE");
//This is the Opponent's Roll
PryRoll = Math.floor((Math.random() * 99 + 1));
//Perform parry for target person
Pry = this._CombatSkill(PryRoll,Person[T].PS)
console.log("Defender's PS: "+Person[T].PS);
console.log("PryRoll: "+PryRoll);
if(Pry == 10){
Ndx = Math.floor((Math.random() * 6 + 1));
ThisAdjWord[2] = CAdj[Ndx];
ModTtlAP = (Person[T].TotalAP * 4);
//Now Combat Calculations for this Person
Trash = 0;
Hit = Atk - Pry;
console.log("Atk: "+ Atk);
console.log("Pry: "+ Pry);
console.log("Hit: "+ Hit);
//Genereate Combat narrative
if (Who == 1){
TxtTkn = " You: "; //Player
TxtTkn2 = "Monster: "; //Monster
TxtTkn = "Monster: "; //Monster's Text Color
TxtTkn2 = " You: "; //Player's Text Color
//NEW Switch statement for Combat
case 0:
//attack & parry cancell each other
Narrative = TxtTkn + ' a ' + ThisAdjWord[1] + AtkWord + '\n';
Narrative += TxtTkn2 + ' a ' + ThisAdjWord[2] + PryWord + '\n';
Narrative += TxtTkn2 + ' not injurded!';
case 1:
Trash = DamRoll - ModTtlAP;
if (Trash < 0) {
Trash = 0;
Narrative = TxtTkn + ' a ' + ThisAdjWord[1] + AtkWord + '\n';
Narrative += TxtTkn2 + ' a failed ' + PryWord + '\n';
Narrative += TxtTkn2 + ' wounded! [' + Trash + ' pts]';
Person[T].ModStmn -= Number(Trash)
console.log("Target: "+T+" stmn = "+Person[T].ModStmn);
if (Who == 1){
Person[1].TempScore += Number(Trash)
// this.cStmnatxt.setText(String(Person[1].TempScore));
case -1:
Narrative = TxtTkn + ' a failed ' + AtkWord + '\n';
Narrative += TxtTkn2+" a "+AdjWord[2]+PryWord+" awaits.";
case 9:
Trash = ((DamRoll * 2) - ModTtlAP);
if (Trash < 0){
Trash = 0;
Narrative = TxtTkn+" a "+ThisAdjWord[1]+AtkWord+"\n";
Narrative += TxtTkn2+" a "+PryWord+" was too late!\n";
Narrative += TxtTkn2+" wounded! ["+String(Trash)+" pts]";
Person[T].ModStmn -= Number(Trash);
console.log("Target "+T+" stmn = "+Person[T].ModStmn);
// this.mStmnatxt.setText(String(Person[6].ModStmn));
if (Who == 1){
Person[1].TempScore += Number(Trash);
case -9:
Trash = (DamRoll - (ModTtlAP * 2));
if (Trash < 0){
Trash = 0;
Narrative = TxtTkn+" a "+ThisAdjWord[1]+AtkWord+"\n";
Narrative += TxtTkn2+" but a "+ThisAdjWord[2]+PryWord+" over-powered!\n";
Narrative += TxtTkn2+" wounded? ["+String(Trash)+" pts]";
Person[T].ModStmn -= Number(Trash);
console.log("Target "+T+" stmn = "+Person[T].ModStmn);
// this.mStmnatxt.setText(String(Person[6].ModStmn));
if (Who == 1){
Person[1].TempScore += Number(Trash)
case 10:
Trash = ((DamRoll * 2) - ModTtlAP);
if (Trash < 0){
Trash = 0;
Narrative = TxtTkn+" a "+ThisAdjWord[1]+" "+AtkWord+"\n";
Narrative += TxtTkn2+" block entirely missed!\n";
Narrative += TxtTkn2+" wounded ["+String(Trash)+" pts]";
Person[T].ModStmn -= Number(Trash);
console.log("Target "+T+" stmn = "+Person[T].ModStmn);
if (Who == 1){
Person[1].TempScore += Number(Trash)
case -10:
Narrative = TxtTkn + ' a missed ' + AtkWord + '\n';
Narrative += TxtTkn2+" a "+AdjWord[2]+PryWord+" awaits.";
// return Narrative;
if(Who == 1){
GAMEAPP.Narr1 = String(Narrative);
if(Who == 6){
GAMEAPP.Narr2 = String(Narrative);
_combatRound: function(game){
GAMEAPP.CmbtTurn += 1;
console.log('combatRound '+GAMEAPP.CmbtTurn);
this.CTurnNum.setText( "Combat Turn: #"+String(GAMEAPP.CmbtTurn));
//Determine combat round initiative
var CmbtInit = Math.floor((Math.random() * 6 + 1));
//Reset each combat variables
var CombatTurnToggle = 0;
//Who goes first?
if (CmbtInit <= 3){
GAMEAPP.InfoText = "You've gained the initiative.";
} else {
GAMEAPP.InfoText = "Monster has the combat \n initiative this turn.";
// =========================================================
_Defend: function(){
if (Person[6].ModStmn > 0) {
GAMEAPP.InfoText = " You focus on defense!\n ... no attack possible ... ";
if (Person[1].ModStmn < 1) {
// =========================================================
_Exchange: function(){
if (Person[6].ModStmn > 0) {
GAMEAPP.InfoText = "Changing Weapons ...\n You miss your attack and defense?";
if (Person[1].ModStmn < 1) {
// =========================================================
// Return from Combat session
_GameReturn: function(){
if(Person[6].ModStmn <= 0){
console.log("Room #: "+GAMEAPP.CrntRoom+"; Exit combat as victor. ");
console.log("Room #: "+GAMEAPP.CrntRoom+"; Exit combat as coward. ");
// Ran away while monster was still in the room.
CCP.Renown = Person[1].Renown-2;
Person[1].Renown = CCP.Renown;
GAMEAPP.InfoText = "Running from Combat? \n Renown is "+String(CCP.Renown);
if(Person[1].ModStmn > 0){
this.camera.fade(0x000000, 200, false);
this.time.events.add(200, function() {
//Return to Room Scene rv_3 through rv_8
}, this);
this.camera.fade(0x000000, 200, false);
this.time.events.add(200, function() {
//exitGame defeated Room Scene rv_3 through rv_8
}, this);
// =========================================================
// Prep Frame 3
_GetWpnDamage: function (Dice) {
var TempT = 0;
//Rolls Multiple 6-sided dice
for(var i=1; i 0) {
GAMEAPP.InfoText = "WHAT?! NOW ...\n in the middle of Combat?";
if(Person[6].ModStmn < 1){
GAMEAPP.InfoText = " ... looking in its backpack.\nYou savage all food, gold & gems ... ";
CCP.HGold += Person[6].Gold;
CCP.HGem += Person[6].Gem;
CCP.Food += Person[6].Food;
if (Person[1].ModStmn < 1) {
// =========================================================
// =========================================================
//create a box Image (pseudo graphics) for the HTML5 canvas.
var box = function(options) {
var bxImg = GAMEAPP.game.add.bitmapData(options.length,options.width);
bxImg.ctx.fillStyle = options.color;
return bxImg;
// =========================================================
//melee combat: Dynamic Menu; engaged in melee
var meleeCombat = function(player,enemy){
this.attackButton.x = 152;
this.defendButton.x = 240;
this.fireButton.x = this.world.centerX+800;
this.dodgeButton.x = this.world.centerX+800;
if(Person[6].ModStmn <= 0){
this.enemy.tint = 0xFF0000;
//GAMEAPP.RoomAlert = "Victory over the " + M[MT[GAMEAPP.LastRoom].Mnstr].Race + "!"
this.attackButton.x = this.world.centerX+800;
this.fireButton.x = this.world.centerX+800;
this.defendButton.x = this.world.centerX+800;
this.dodgeButton.x = this.world.centerX+800;
//this.cookButton.x = 65;
//this.inventoryButton.x = 152;
this.searchButton.x = 240;
if(Person[1].ModStmn <= 0){
// =========================================================
See Examples here
* File Name: exit.js
* File URL: https://www.adventurers-of-renown.com/GAMEAPP/index.html
* Description: File for controlling game exit and gargabe collection.
* Author: Stephen Gose
* Version:
* Author URL: https://www.stephen-gose.com/
* Support: support@pbmcube.com
* Copyright © \u00A9 1974-2017 Stephen Gose LLC. All rights reserved.
* Do not sell! Do not distribute!
* This is a licensed permission file. Please refer to Terms of Use
* and End Users License Agreement (EULA).
* Search for [ //**TODO** ] to tailor this file for your own use and will void any support agreement.
* Redistribution of part or whole of this file and
* the accompanying files is strictly prohibited.
"use strict";
window.GAMEAPP.state.exitGame = {
preload: function(){
console.log("loading Exit Game state");
GAMEAPP.CrntRoom = GAMEAPP.Logout;
this.game.load.image('exitGame', 'assets/images/staticRooms/exitGame.jpg');
this.load.spritesheet('button', 'assets/spriteSheets/mmog-sprites-silver.png', 129, 30);
create: function(){
console.log("starting Exit Game state");
this.game.add.image(0, 0, 'exitGame');
//Set a neutral background color
this.game.stage.backgroundColor = "#000";
//ARRA Character Death animation
this.ARRADeath = this.game.add.sprite(372, 212, 'Death');
// Here we add a new animation called 'show Death'
// Because we didn't give any other parameters it's going to make an animation from all available frames in the ARRA Death sprite sheet
var showDeath = this.ARRADeath.animations.add('showDeath');
// And this starts the animation playing by using its key ("showDeath")
// 30 is the frame rate (30fps)
// true means it will loop when it finishes
this.ARRADeath.animations.play('showDeath', 8, true);
this.inventorytxt = this.game.add.text(0, 0, "Inventory" , GAMEAPP.styleBTN);
this.exittxt = this.game.add.text(0, 0, "Exit" , GAMEAPP.styleBTN);
this.submitScore = this.game.add.text(0, 0, "Submit" , GAMEAPP.styleBTN);
this.save = this.game.add.text(0, 0, "Save" , GAMEAPP.styleBTN);
this.newGame = this.game.add.text(0, 0, "New Game?" , GAMEAPP.styleBTN);
this.newGame.events.onInputDown.add(this._NewGame, this);
this.share = this.game.add.text(0, 0, "Share" , GAMEAPP.styleBTN);
// Inventory button
this.inventoryButton = this.game.add.button(65, 338, 'button', this._Inventory, this, 2, 1, 0,1);
// Exit button
this.exitButton = this.game.add.button(65, 361, 'button', GAMEAPP._ExitGame, this, 2, 1, 0,1);
// New Game button
this.newButton = this.game.add.button(240, 338, 'button', GAMEAPP._newGame, this, 2, 1, 0,1);
// Submit button
this.submitButton = this.game.add.button(152, 338, 'button', this._SubmitRoom, this, 2, 1, 0,1);
// Save button
this.saveButton = this.game.add.button(152, 361, 'button', this._SaveRoom, this, 2, 1, 0,1);
// Share button
this.shareButton = this.game.add.button(240, 361, 'button', this._ShareRoom, this, 2, 1, 0,1);
this._toolTip = this.game.add.text(this.game.world.width-100, this.game.world.height-90, GAMEAPP.InfoText, GAMEAPP.styleTT);
GAMEAPP.InfoText = "Experience & Score: "+String(CCP.Score)+"\n Renown Earned: "+String(CCP.Renown);
GAMEAPP.RoomAlert = "Quest failed!";
//Send update to server as a "heart beat / keep alive"
//IBPrpArcade game scores enabled
var gname="ARRA-PBMCube";
var pname = CCP.Name;
var gscore = CCP.Renown;
//getURL("index.php?act=Arcade&do=newscore", "_blank", "POST");
update: function(){
//this.ARRADeath.x = this.game.world.width-178;
//this.ARRADeath.y = 212;
this.ARRADeath.animations.play('showDeath', 8, true);
// =========================================================
_InventoryRoom: function(){
console.log("Room #: Exit defeated; Inventory Clicked: ");
this.camera.fade(0x000000, 200, false);
this.time.events.add(200, function() {
this.game.state.start('Inventory'); //Inventory Scene rv_3 through rv_8
}, this);
// =========================================================
_NewGame: function(){
//Refer to book Bonus Content server-side middleware
console.log("Room #: Exit defeated; New Game Clicked: ");
console.log(' - Equip ALL Monsters in Database once per game.');
console.log(' - Creating internal static Monster Database:');
console.log(' - Creating internal static Movement Table:\n See book for dynamically generated Movement Tables and Mazes.');
console.log('Distributing 6 Treasures and 7 Monsters once per game.');
this.camera.fade(0x000000, 200, false);
this.time.events.add(200, function() {
this.game.state.start('boot'); //Boot/Preload Scene rv_3 through rv_8
}, this);
// =========================================================
_SaveRoom: function(){
//Refer to book Bonus Content server-side middleware
console.log("Room #: Exit defeated; Save Clicked: ");
// =========================================================
_ShareRoom: function(){
//Refer to book Bonus Content server-side middleware
console.log("Room #: Exit defeated; Share Clicked: ");
// =========================================================
_SubmitRoom: function(){
//Refer to book Bonus Content server-side middleware
console.log("Room #: Exit defeated; Submit Clicked: ");
See Examples here
* File Name: inventory.js
* File URL: https://www.adventurers-of-renown.com/GAMEAPP/index.html
* Description: File for controlling and displaying avatar inventory; managing global variables throughout game state.
* Author: Stephen Gose
* Version:
* Author URL: https://www.stephen-gose.com/
* Support: support@pbmcube.com
* Copyright © \u00A9 1974-2017 Stephen Gose LLC. All rights reserved.
* Do not sell! Do not distribute!
* This is a licensed permission file. Please refer to Terms of Use
* and End Users License Agreement (EULA).
* Search for [ //**TODO** ] to tailor this file for your own use and will void any support agreement.
* Redistribution of part or whole of this file and
* the accompanying files is strictly prohibited.
"use strict";
window.GAMEAPP.state.Inventory = {
preload: function(){
console.log("loading inventory state");
this.game.load.image('Inventory', 'assets/images/staticRooms/inventory.jpg');
this.load.spritesheet('button', 'assets/spriteSheets/mmog-sprites-silver.png', 129, 30);
create: function(){
console.log("entering Invetory state:");
this.game.add.image(0, 0, 'Inventory');
var cooktxt = this.game.add.text(0, 0, "Cook" , GAMEAPP.styleBTN); // "Cook" button text;
var returntxt = this.game.add.text(0, 0, "Return" , GAMEAPP.styleBTN); // "Return" button text;
this.cGoldtxt = this.game.add.text(80, 110, String(CCP.HGold)+"\n" , GAMEAPP.styleHUD);
this.cGemstxt = this.game.add.text(80, 136, String(CCP.HGem)+"\n" , GAMEAPP.styleHUD);
this.cFoodtxt = this.game.add.text(80, 159, String(CCP.Food)+"\n" , GAMEAPP.styleHUD);
this.cArrowstxt = this.game.add.text(80, 183, String(CCP.Arrows)+"\n" , GAMEAPP.styleHUD);
this.cStmnatxt = this.game.add.text(this.game.world.width-75, 125, String(CCP.ModStmn)+"\n" , GAMEAPP.styleHUD);
var cWS = ((CCP.WSRaw * 5) + (CCP.Stmn * 2)) + "%";
this.csWStxt = this.game.add.text(this.game.world.width-75, 150, String(cWS)+"\n" , GAMEAPP.styleHUD);
var cBS = ((CCP.BSRaw * 5) + (CCP.Coor * 2)) + "%";
this.csBStxt = this.game.add.text(this.game.world.width-75, 173, String(cBS)+"\n" , GAMEAPP.styleHUD);
var cPS = ((CCP.BSRaw * 5) + (CCP.Coor * 2)) + "%";
this.csPStxt = this.game.add.text(this.game.world.width-75, 195, String(cPS)+"\n" , GAMEAPP.styleHUD);
this.cRenowntxt = this.game.add.text(this.game.world.width-75, 218, String(CCP.Renown)+"\n" , GAMEAPP.styleHUD);
this.cExptxt = this.game.add.text(this.game.world.width-75, 243, String(CCP.Score)+"\n" , GAMEAPP.styleHUD);
this._toolTip = this.game.add.text(this.game.world.width-100, this.game.world.height-90, GAMEAPP.InfoText, GAMEAPP.styleTT);
// Cook button
this.cookButton = this.game.add.button(65, 338, 'button', this._CookFood, this, 2, 1, 0, 1);
// Exit button
this.returnButton = this.game.add.button(152, 338, 'button', this._GameReturn, this, 2, 1, 0, 1);
update: function(){
// =========================================================
_CookFood: function(){
CCP.Food -= 1;
if(CCP.Food < 0){
CCP.Food = 0;
GAMEAPP.InfoText = " ... You have nothing to eat. ";
GAMEAPP.InfoText = " ... mmmm! ...\n You grow in stamina!";
CCP.ModStmn += 2;
//if current health is greater than it should be?!
if(CCP.ModStmn > CCP.Stmn){
CCP.ModStmn = CCP.Stmn;
// =========================================================
_GameReturn: function(){
console.log("Inventory State exited to Room #: "+GAMEAPP.CrntRoom+"; ");
this.camera.fade(0x000000, 200, false);
this.time.events.add(200, function() {
this.game.state.start(MT[GAMEAPP.CrntRoom].RmID); //Inventory Scene rv_3 through rv_8
}, this);
See Examples here
Version 8 pre-dates languages scenes; refer to ARRA v15 in Chapter 3 Keeping your SCRUM D.R.Y. Example 3.2
See Examples here
* File Name: load.js
* File URL: https://www.adventurers-of-renown.com/GAMEAPP/index.html
* Description: File for controlling assets downloads; some delegations to browser.
* Author: Stephen Gose
* Version:
* Author URL: https://www.stephen-gose.com/
* Support: support@pbmcube.com
* Copyright © \u00A9 1974-2017 Stephen Gose LLC. All rights reserved.
* Do not sell! Do not distribute!
* This is a licensed permission file. Please refer to Terms of Use
* and End Users License Agreement (EULA).
* Search for [ //**TODO** ] to tailor this file for your own use and will void any support agreement.
* Redistribution of part or whole of this file and
* the accompanying files is strictly prohibited.
"use strict";
window.GAMEAPP.state.load = {
preload: function(){
console.log(" %c Game Prototype load game assets ", "color:white; background:red");
// we have preloaded assets required for Loading group objects in the Boot state
var loadingGroup = mt.create("Loading");
// loading has been deleted?
// continue to load rest of the textures
// get preload sprite
var preload = loadingGroup.mt.children.preload;
// preload has been deleted?
// continue to load rest of the textures
// set it as preload sprite
// buid loading bar
// update group transform - so we can get correct bounds
// get bounds
var bounds = loadingGroup.getBounds();
// move it to the center of the screen
loadingGroup.x = this.game.camera.width*0.5 - (bounds.width) * 0.5 - bounds.x;
loadingGroup.y = this.game.camera.height*0.5 - (bounds.height) - bounds.y;
// load all assets
create: function(){
// loading has finished - proceed to demo state
this.game.add.image(0, 0, 'background');
//ARRA skips languages and main menu; it goes directly to Story scene.
See Examples here
The "main.js" (aka game.js) is the "Game Mechanics" (GM) Component. It holds the "... rules, logic, and data structures ... " of the game.
* File Name: Main.js
* File URL: https://www.adventurers-of-renown.com/GAMEAPP/index.html
* Description: File for controlling and displaying game scenes; managing global variables throughout game state.
* Author: Stephen Gose
* Version:
* Author URL: https://www.stephen-gose.com/
* Support: support@pbmcube.com
* Copyright © \u00A9 1974-2017 Stephen Gose LLC. All rights reserved.
* Do not sell! Do not distribute!
* This is a licensed permission file. Please refer to Terms of Use
* and End Users License Agreement (EULA).
* Search for [ //**TODO** ] to tailor this file for your own use; doing so will void any support agreement.
* Redistribution of part or whole of this file and
* the accompanying files is strictly prohibited.
"use strict";
/** game set-up **/
//Beginning of Static databases
// NOTE: the following data structures are for development only.
// The optimum usage is a local or remote database using PouchDB or SQLite.
// Stay away from IndexDB since it is deprecated.
console.log("%c Starting my awesome MMoG game Prototype! \n Adventurers of Renown: Ruins of Able-Wyvern rv_8 \n Copyright \u00A9 1974-2017, Stephen Gose. \n | https://renown-games.com/shop | \n | \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 -> $120 License included in book! \n | Book available at: https://leanpub.com/LoRD | ",
"color:white; background:blue");
console.log('Initial Avatar Character for FREE Game play;\n Members can customize characters.');
// =========================================================
function ArmorClass(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14) {
this.AID = a1;
this.Name = a2;
this.Protect = a3;
this.Stack = a4;
this.Cost = a5;
this.Worth = a6;
// New property. Current armor value to sell
this.Weight = a7;
this.CoorMod = a8;
this.MoveMod = a9;
this.StmnReq = a10;
// New property for ARRA v3.3
this.BodyLoc = a11;
// 0=Shield;1=Head;2=Body;3=Arms;4=Legs
this.DefenseType = a12;
// Chop=C;Slash=S;Smash=S;Thrust=T: "CSST"
this.Magic = a13;
this.Renown = a14;
// Class Inherited Methods:
// End Armor Class
// =========================================================
// Prep Frame 2
function PersonClass(p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6,p7,p8,p9,p10,p11,p12,p13,p14,p15,p16,p17,p18,p19,p20,p21,p22,p23,p24,p25,p26,p27,p28) {
this.PID = p1; //default - 0
this.CID = p2; //default - 1
this.Name = p3; //default - Common Adventurer
this.Score = p4; //0
this.TempScore = 0;
this.Category = p5; //Warrior
this.Health = p6; //Healthy
this.Race = p7; //Folks
this.Stmn = Number(p8); //12
this.ModStmn = Number(p9);
this.Fatigue = Number(p10);
//p11? - future use
this.Coor = Number(p12); //12
this.Psych = Number(p13); //8
this.ModIQ = Number(p14); //8
this.Renown = Number(p15); //1
this.HGold = Number(p16); //0
this.HGem = Number(p17); //0
this.Movemnt = p18; //10
this.MegaSQ = 1;
this.Room = 6;
this.Food = Number(p19); //1
this.WSRaw = Number(p20); //2
this.WSCmbt = p21; //NO
this.BSRaw = Number(p22); //2
this.BSCmbt = p23; //NO
this.AtkFlag = 0;
this.MisFlag = 0;
this.PryFlag = 0;
this.HitFlag = 0;
this.EngFlag = 0;
this.MovFlag = 0;
this.Target = 6;
this.TLoc = 2;
this.TotalAP = Number(p24); //2
this.Shield = p25; //Shield Name?
this.Arrows = Number(p26); //0
this.AName = p27; //Body Armor Name
this.WName = p28; //Primary Weapon Name
this.W = new Array();
// Weapons Array for this person
this.W[0] = {WID:0,Name:"Short Sword",Damage:2,DamMod:0,DamType:"CSST",Mode:"MMT",Cost:0,Worth:0,Weight:0,ReqStmn:0,ReqCoor:0,Use:0,Magic:0,Renown:0};
// The Weapon in USE!!
this.W[1] = {WID:0,Name:"None",Damage:0,DamMod:0,DamType:"CSST",Mode:"MMT",Cost:0,Worth:0,Weight:0,ReqStmn:0,ReqCoor:0,Use:0,Magic:0,Renown:0};
// Primary Weapon = [1];Secondary = [2]
this.W[2] = {WID:0,Name:"None",Damage:0,DamMod:0,DamType:"CSST",Mode:"MMT",Cost:0,Worth:0,Weight:0,ReqStmn:0,ReqCoor:0,Use:0,Magic:0,Renown:0};
// Secondary Weapon = [2]
this.W[3] = {WID:0,Name:"None",Damage:0,DamMod:0,DamType:"CSST",Mode:"MMT",Cost:0,Worth:0,Weight:0,ReqStmn:0,ReqCoor:0,Use:0,Magic:0,Renown:0};
// Backup Weapon = [3]
// Armor Array for this person
this.A = new Array();
// Shield position
this.A[0] = {AID:0,Name:"Small Shield",Protect:1,Stack:"Y",DefType:"CSST",BodyLoc:"Shield",Cost:0,Worth:0,Weight:0,CoorMod:0,MoveMod:0,ReqStmn:0,Magic:0,Renown:0};
// Helm position
this.A[1] = {AID:0,Name:"None",Protect:0,Stack:0,DefType:"CSST",BodyLoc:"Head",Cost:0,Worth:0,Weight:0,CoorMod:0,MoveMod:0,ReqStmn:0,Magic:0,Renown:0};
// Body Armor is Leather Jerkin
this.A[2] = {AID:0,Name:"Leather Jerkin",Protect:2,Stack:"Y",DefType:"CS--",BodyLoc:"Body",Cost:0,Worth:0,Weight:0,CoorMod:2,MoveMod:0,ReqStmn:0,Magic:0,Renown:0};
// Arm's Armor position
this.A[3] = {AID:0,Name:"None",Protect:0,Stack:0,DefType:"CSST",BodyLoc:"Arms",Cost:0,Worth:0,Weight:0,CoorMod:0,MoveMod:0,ReqStmn:0,Magic:0,Renown:0};
// Leg's Armor position
this.A[4] = {AID:0,Name:"None",Protect:0,Stack:0,DefType:"CSST",BodyLoc:"Legs",Cost:0,Worth:0,Weight:0,CoorMod:0,MoveMod:0,ReqStmn:0,Magic:0,Renown:0};
// PersonClass Inherited Methods:
this.ModMove = function () { return this.Movemnt-(this.A[0].MoveMod+this.A[2].MoveMod);};
this.ModCoor = function () { return this.Coor-(this.A[0].CoorMod+this.A[2].CoorMod);};
this.Level = function () { return (((this.Stmn+this.Coor+this.Psych)-26)/6);};
this.WS = function () { return ((this.Stmn*2)+(this.WSRaw*5));};
this.BS = function () { return ((PersonClass.prototype.ModCoor*2)+(this.BSRaw*5));};
this.PS = function () { return ((PersonClass.prototype.ModCoor*2)+(this.WSRaw*5));};
// End PersonClass
// =========================================================
//Prep Scene Frame 1
function WeaponClass(w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, w8, w9, w10, w11, w12, w13, w14) {
this.WID = w1;
this.Name = w2;
this.DamPossible = w3;
this.DamMod = w4;
this.Cost = w5;
this.Worth = w6;
// New property. Current armor value to sell
this.Weight = w7;
this.StmnReq = w8;
this.CoorReq = w9;
this.Use = w10;
// 1=One handed; 2=Both hands
this.Mode = w11;
// M=Melee;Missle=M;T=Thrown: "MMT"
this.DamType = w12;
// Chop=C;Slash=S;Smash=S;Thrust=T: "CSST"
this.Magic = w13;
this.Renown = w14;
this.DamageDone = GetWpnDamage();
// Damage Delt per call
// Class Inherited Methods:
// End Weapons Class
// =========================================================
//Prep Scene Frame 1
// Root TimeLine Variables (Global for this timeline)
//var SecondaryWpns = new WeaponClass(10, "Dagger", 1, 0, 50, 50, 1, 1, 4, 1, "M-T", "CS-T", 0, 0);
//var PrimaryWpns = new WeaponClass(23, "Short Sword", 2, -1, 200, 200, 3, 10, 4, 1, "M--", "CS-T", 0, 0);
//var NoWpns = new WeaponClass(0, "None", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "---", "----", 0, 0);
//var BodyArm = new ArmorClass(103, "Leather Jerkin", 2, "No", 100, 100, 2, -2, -2, 8, 2, "-S--", 0, 0);
//var NoneArm = new ArmorClass(0, "None", 0, "No", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "----", 0, 0);
// Set-up MMoG capabilities; Person(1) intialized prior to each Combat as a temporary combat record
// The follow could be in external files to initialize the char's combat records
// for the campaigne.
console.log('MMoG Database and Combat records:\n up to 4 member/player teams!\n Records 5-8 are monster team records.\n Player Avatar is record 1\n Monster encountered uses record 6.\nRefer to book to migrate into a SQLite database or PouchDB.')
var Person = new Array();
Person[1] = {Target:6, TotalAP:0, WS:0, BS:0, PS:0, ModStmn:0, TempScore:0, Renown:0};
Person[2] = {Target:6, TotalAP:0, WS:0, BS:0, PS:0, ModStmn:0, TempScore:0, Renown:0};
Person[3] = {Target:6, TotalAP:0, WS:0, BS:0, PS:0, ModStmn:0, TempScore:0, Renown:0};
Person[4] = {Target:6, TotalAP:0, WS:0, BS:0, PS:0, ModStmn:0, TempScore:0, Renown:0};
//below are monster combat records
Person[5] = {Target:1, TotalAP:0, WS:0, BS:0, PS:0, ModStmn:0, TempScore:0, Renown:0};
Person[6] = {Target:1, TotalAP:0, WS:0, BS:0, PS:0, ModStmn:0, TempScore:0, Renown:0};
Person[7] = {Target:1, TotalAP:0, WS:0, BS:0, PS:0, ModStmn:0, TempScore:0, Renown:0};
Person[8] = {Target:1, TotalAP:0, WS:0, BS:0, PS:0, ModStmn:0, TempScore:0, Renown:0};
//CCP - Current Character Played
//**TODO** Set for remote login and data access into members' personal avatar records
var CCP = new PersonClass(0,1,"Common Adventurer",0,"Warrior","Healthy","Folks",20,20,20,20,20,8,8,1,0,0,10,1,2,"N",2,"N",3,"Small Shield",0,"Leather Jerkin","Short Sword");
//Create Monster Array using MonsterClass object
//**TODO** Remote this static database onto database server; otherwise use PouchDB or SQLite
var M = new Array();
M[1] = {icon:"barbarian",Race:"Folks",Category:"Warrior",Stmn:15,Coor:14,Psych:8,Renown:3,HGold:47,HGem:1,Food:1,WSRaw:3,BSRaw:1,Move:10,Room:0,Armor:"",TotalAP:0,Weapn:"",WDam:0};
M[2] = {icon:"dwarf",Race:"Folks",Category:"Warrior",Stmn:14,Coor:13,Psych:8,Renown:3,HGold:76,HGem:0,Food:0,WSRaw:3,BSRaw:2,Move:10,Room:0,Armor:"",TotalAP:0,Weapn:"",WDam:0};
M[3] = {icon:"darkPriest",Race:"Dark Elf",Category:"Rogue",Stmn:13,Coor:16,Psych:9,Renown:3,HGold:89,HGem:2,Food:2,WSRaw:2,BSRaw:3,Move:15,Room:0,TotalAP:0,Armor:"",Weapn:"",WDam:0};
M[4] = {icon:"goblin",Race:"Goblin",Category:"Warrior",Stmn:13,Coor:12,Psych:8,Renown:2,HGold:34,HGem:2,Food:0,WSRaw:2,BSRaw:2,Move:10,Room:0,Armor:"",TotalAP:0,Weapn:"",WDam:0};
M[5] = {icon:"barbarian",Race:"Hobbit",Category:"Rogue",Stmn:9,Coor:13,Psych:10,Renown:4,HGold:57,HGem:1,Food:4,WSRaw:2,BSRaw:3,Move:8,Room:0,Armor:"",TotalAP:0,Weapn:"",WDam:0};
M[6] = {icon:"dwarf",Race:"Dwarf",Category:"Warrior",Stmn:15,Coor:10,Psych:8,Renown:4,HGold:89,HGem:3,Food:1,WSRaw:3,BSRaw:2,Move:8,Room:0,Armor:"",TotalAP:0,Weapn:"",WDam:0};
M[7] = {icon:"goblin",Race:"Goblin",Category:"Warrior",Stmn:13,Coor:11,Psych:8,Renown:2,HGold:52,HGem:0,Food:0,WSRaw:2,BSRaw:2,Move:10,Room:0,Armor:"",TotalAP:0,Weapn:"",WDam:0};
M[8] = {icon:"orc",Race:"Orc",Category:"Warrior",Stmn:11,Coor:13,Psych:8,Renown:3,HGold:77,HGem:0,Food:1,WSRaw:3,BSRaw:2,Move:10,Room:0,Armor:"",TotalAP:0,Weapn:"",WDam:0};
M[9] = {icon:"darkMage",Race:"Dark Mage",Category:"Mage",Stmn:12,Coor:12,Psych:8,Renown:3,HGold:98,HGem:0,Food:2,WSRaw:2,BSRaw:3,Move:10,Room:0,Armor:"",TotalAP:0,Weapn:"",WDam:0};
M[10] = {icon:"orc",Race:"Orc",Category:"Warrior",Stmn:13,Coor:11,Psych:8,Renown:4,HGold:37,HGem:0,Food:1,WSRaw:3,BSRaw:3,Move:10,Room:0,Armor:"",TotalAP:0,Weapn:"",WDam:0};
M[11] = {icon:"whiteMage",Race:"Goblin Mage",Category:"Mage",Stmn:10,Coor:14,Psych:8,Renown:3,HGold:23,HGem:1,Food:1,WSRaw:3,BSRaw:2,Move:10,Room:0,Armor:"",TotalAP:0,Weapn:"",WDam:0};
M[12] = {icon:"orc",Race:"Woodland Orc",Category:"Warrior",Stmn:11,Coor:13,Psych:8,Renown:4,HGold:93,HGem:1,Food:2,WSRaw:3,BSRaw:3,Move:10,Room:0,Armor:"",TotalAP:0,Weapn:"",WDam:0};
M[13] = {icon:"goblin",Race:"Goblin",Category:"Warrior",Stmn:12,Coor:12,Psych:8,Renown:3,HGold:76,HGem:0,Food:1,WSRaw:2,BSRaw:2,Move:10,Room:0,Armor:"",TotalAP:0,Weapn:"",WDam:0};
M[14] = {icon:"whitePriest",Race:"Elf Priest",Category:"Rogue",Stmn:9,Coor:17,Psych:10,Renown:6,HGold:97,HGem:2,Food:1,WSRaw:3,BSRaw:4,Move:15,Room:0,Armor:"",TotalAP:0,Weapn:"",WDam:0};
M[15] = {icon:"dwarf",Race:"Dwarf Hero",Category:"Warrior",Stmn:13,Coor:13,Psych:9,Renown:6,HGold:103,HGem:4,Food:2,WSRaw:3,BSRaw:4,Move:8,Room:0,Armor:"",TotalAP:0,Weapn:"",WDam:0};
M[16] = {icon:"goblin",Race:"Goblin Hero",Category:"Warrior",Stmn:11,Coor:18,Psych:8,Renown:8,HGold:78,HGem:3,Food:1,WSRaw:3,BSRaw:3,Move:10,Room:0,Armor:"",TotalAP:0,Weapn:"",WDam:0};
M[17] = {icon:"orc",Race:"Orc Hero",Category:"Warrior",Stmn:12,Coor:18,Psych:9,Renown:8,HGold:92,HGem:2,Food:1,WSRaw:4,BSRaw:4,Move:10,Room:0,Armor:"",TotalAP:0,Weapn:"",WDam:0};
M[18] = {icon:"hero2",Race:"Folks Hero",Category:"Warrior",Stmn:13,Coor:16,Psych:8,Renown:7,HGold:87,HGem:1,Food:0,WSRaw:4,BSRaw:2,Move:10,Room:0,Armor:"",TotalAP:0,Weapn:"",WDam:0};
M[19] = {icon:"mummy",Race:"Mummy",Category:"Undead",Stmn:9,Coor:11,Psych:7,Renown:4,HGold:0,HGem:0,Food:0,WSRaw:2,BSRaw:2,Move:8,Room:0,Armor:"",TotalAP:0,Weapn:"",WDam:0};
M[20] = {icon:"skeleton",Race:"Skeleton",Category:"Undead",Stmn:8,Coor:11,Psych:4,Renown:2,HGold:0,HGem:0,Food:0,WSRaw:2,BSRaw:2,Move:8,Room:0,Armor:"",TotalAP:0,Weapn:"",WDam:0};
M[21] = {icon:"skeleton",Race:"Skeleton",Category:"Undead",Stmn:8,Coor:11,Psych:4,Renown:2,HGold:0,HGem:0,Food:0,WSRaw:2,BSRaw:2,Move:8,Room:0,Armor:"",TotalAP:0,Weapn:"",WDam:0};
M[22] = {icon:"zombie",Race:"Zombie",Category:"Undead",Stmn:10,Coor:11,Psych:6,Renown:3,HGold:0,HGem:0,Food:0,WSRaw:3,BSRaw:2,Move:10,Room:0,Armor:"",TotalAP:0,Weapn:"",WDam:0};
M[23] = {icon:"zombie",Race:"Zombie",Category:"Undead",Stmn:10,Coor:11,Psych:6,Renown:3,HGold:0,HGem:0,Food:0,WSRaw:3,BSRaw:2,Move:10,Room:0,Armor:"",TotalAP:0,Weapn:"",WDam:0};
M[24] = {icon:"mummy",Race:"Mummy",Category:"Undead",Stmn:9,Coor:11,Psych:7,Renown:4,HGold:0,HGem:0,Food:0,WSRaw:2,BSRaw:2,Move:8,Room:0,Armor:"",TotalAP:0,Weapn:"",WDam:0};
M[25] = {icon:"skeleton",Race:"Skeleton",Category:"Undead",Stmn:8,Coor:11,Psych:4,Renown:2,HGold:0,HGem:0,Food:0,WSRaw:2,BSRaw:2,Move:8,Room:0,Armor:"",TotalAP:0,Weapn:"",WDam:0};
M[26] = {icon:"wyvern",Race:"Young Wyvern",Category:"Mage",Stmn:26,Coor:16,Psych:14,Renown:12,HGold:890,HGem:14,Food:9,WSRaw:5,BSRaw:4,Move:20,Room:0,Armor:"",TotalAP:4,Weapn:"",WDam:0};
//Movement Table; could be extenally loaded
//**TODO** Remote this static database onto database server; otherwise upgrade to PouchDB or SQLite
var MT = new Array();
MT[0] = {RmID:'combat', North:0, East:0, South:0, West:0, Up:0, Dn:0, Tres:0, Mnstr:0, Discovr:0, mxPos:280, myPos:150};
MT[1] = {RmID:'R1', North:0, East:0, South:2, West:1, Up:0, Dn:0, Tres:0, Mnstr:0, Discovr:1, mxPos:280, myPos:150};
MT[2] = {RmID:'R2', North:1, East:3, South:3, West:0, Up:0, Dn:0, Tres:0, Mnstr:0, Discovr:1, mxPos:280, myPos:150};
MT[3] = {RmID:'R3', North:2, East:5, South:0, West:2, Up:0, Dn:0, Tres:0, Mnstr:0, Discovr:1, mxPos:235, myPos:230};
MT[4] = {RmID:'R4', North:0, East:0, South:5, West:0, Up:0, Dn:0, Tres:0, Mnstr:0, Discovr:1, mxPos:220, myPos:160};
MT[5] = {RmID:'R5', North:4, East:0, South:0, West:3, Up:15, Dn:13, Tres:0, Mnstr:0, Discovr:1, mxPos:200, myPos:230};
MT[6] = {RmID:'R6', North:0, East:1, South:0, West:0, Up:0, Dn:0, Tres:0, Mnstr:0, Discovr:0, mxPos:200, myPos:260};
MT[7] = {RmID:'R7', North:0, East:0, South:8, West:0, Up:0, Dn:0, Tres:0, Mnstr:0, Discovr:1, mxPos:220, myPos:240};
MT[8] = {RmID:'R8', North:7, East:0, South:10, West:0, Up:9, Dn:13, Tres:0, Mnstr:0, Discovr:1, mxPos:150, myPos:260};
MT[9] = {RmID:'R9', North:0, East:0, South:19, West:0, Up:0, Dn:8, Tres:0, Mnstr:0, Discovr:1, mxPos:200, myPos:190};
MT[10] = {RmID:'R10', North:8, East:11, South:0, West:0, Up:9, Dn:0, Tres:0, Mnstr:0, Discovr:1, mxPos:265, myPos:215};
MT[11] = {RmID:'R11', North:0, East:0, South:0, West:10, Up:0, Dn:0, Tres:0, Mnstr:0, Discovr:1, mxPos:450, myPos:290};
MT[12] = {RmID:'R12', North:0, East:0, South:0, West:13, Up:0, Dn:0, Tres:0, Mnstr:0, Discovr:1, mxPos:210, myPos:210};
MT[13] = {RmID:'R13', North:0, East:12, South:0, West:0, Up:5, Dn:0, Tres:0, Mnstr:0, Discovr:1, mxPos:165, myPos:190};
MT[14] = {RmID:'R14', North:0, East:17, South:15, West:0, Up:0, Dn:0, Tres:0, Mnstr:0, Discovr:1, mxPos:175, myPos:150};
MT[15] = {RmID:'R15', North:14, East:0, South:0, West:0, Up:0, Dn:5, Tres:0, Mnstr:0, Discovr:1, mxPos:175, myPos:190};
MT[16] = {RmID:'R16', North:17, East:0, South:0, West:19, Up:0, Dn:0, Tres:0, Mnstr:0, Discovr:1, mxPos:190, myPos:220};
MT[17] = {RmID:'R17', North:18, East:0, South:16, West:14, Up:0, Dn:0, Tres:0, Mnstr:0, Discovr:1, mxPos:235, myPos:240};
MT[18] = {RmID:'R18', North:0, East:0, South:17, West:0, Up:0, Dn:0, Tres:0, Mnstr:0, Discovr:1, mxPos:200, myPos:170};
MT[19] = {RmID:'R19', North:9, East:16, South:0, West:0, Up:0, Dn:0, Tres:0, Mnstr:0, Discovr:1, mxPos:165, myPos:190};
MT[20] = {RmID:'Inventory', North:0, East:0, South:0, West:0, Up:0, Dn:0, Tres:0, Mnstr:0, Discovr:0, mxPos:1600, myPos:200};
// End of database structures
// NOTE: the following data structures are for development only.
// The optimum usage is a local or remote database using PouchDB or SQLite.
// Stay away from IndexDB since it is deprecated.
// =========================================================
//**TODO** Creating Game namespace called GAMEAPP; refactor GAMEAPP with your project name
window.GAMEAPP = {
//US Copr. or Copyright; UTF8 circled c is \u00A9 equal to ©
Copr: "Copyright © \u00A9 1974-2016, Stephen Gose. All rights reserved.\n",
// reference to the Phaser.Game instance
game: null,
// If there's music in your game, and it needs to play through-out a
// few State swaps, then you could reference it below.
music: null,
//Toggle background music theme on or off; starts in "on/true" state
musicToggle: true,
//Your game can check MYGAMEAPP.orientated in the game loops
// to know if it should pause or not.
//orientated: false,
//Grid Tile-Map configurations
//**TODO** Remote this static database onto database server; otherwise upgrade to PouchDB or SQLite
//Tile-maps are the visual express separate from the Movement Tables metadata.
tileSize: 64, //twice the size of an avatar icon
numRows: 3, //adjustable for your game
numCols: 3, //adjustable for your game
tileSpacing: 2, //adjustable for your game
tilesArray: [], //one way; thousand more to choose
//Canvas dimensions: world and viewportHeight
//**TODO** adjust for your game deployment
viewportWidth: 550, //game view
viewportHeight: 440,
worldWidth: 550, //world view
worldHeight: 440,
// =========================================================
//**TODO** refactor and adjust for your game deployment
// Trash Global Variables (alphabetical)
// Here we have some global level vars that persist regardless of State.
// =========================================================
CmbtTurn: 1, // Combat Round counter
Cntr: 0,
CrntRoom: 6, // Current Room occupied
DeadMonster: 0,
enemy:{}, //single player game; array used in MMoG
Entrance:{}, //Room #6 only
gameState: 'explore',
//dynamic toolTip across game states
//**TODO**: store information text in a database for dynamic language conversion.
InfoText: "Score: "+CCP.Score+"\n Click on the Door to enter.",
KeyNum: 0,
LastRoom: 6, // Last Room entered, used to remove monsters from current room
LastDoor:"East", // help place avatar properly in new room entrance
Logout: "EXIT", //exit game defeated.
movespeed: 10, //default base movement points; this is not pixels.
mxPos: 200, // Monster _x position
myPos: 260, // Monster _y position
Narr1: 'doodah', // Player Combat Narrative text
Narr2: "doodah", // Monster Combat Narrative text
player:{}, //single player game; array used in MMoG
RoomAlert:"", //HUD Room alert info
Trash: 0,
Treasure:{}, //treasure icon
//button styling
styleBTN: { font: "28px Arial", fill: "#000000", align: "center" },
//Combat HUD styling
// hero text
styleCmbtH: { font: "9px Arial", fill: "#66ffff", align: "center" },
styleNarrH: { font: "9px Arial", fill: "#66ffff", align: "left" },
// monster text
styleCmbtM: { font: "9px Arial", fill: "#66ff66", align: "center" },
styleNarrM: { font: "9px Arial", fill: "#66ff66", align: "left" },
//HUD styling
styleHUD: { font: "14px Arial", fill: "#ff9900", align: "center" },
//Room Alert styling
styleRA: { font: "18px Arial", fill: "#ff9900", align: "right" },
//toolTip styling
styleTT: { font: "11px Arial", fill: "#ff9900", align: "center" },
TxPos: 0, // Treasure's default x position
TyPos: 0, // Treasure's default y position
xPos: 90, // Character default x position
yPos: 200, // Character default y position
// here we will store all game phase/states
// state object filled as js files load.
state: {},
// =========================================================
// -------------------------------------------
// Main game Handler methods
// -------------------------------------------
// refactor and adjust for your game deployment
// remove console debug information on public deployment
// =========================================================
main: function(){
this.game = new Phaser.Game(window.GAMEAPP.viewportWidth, window.GAMEAPP.viewportHeight, Phaser.AUTO, document.body, window.GAMEAPP.state.boot);
this._DevelopCR(); //create avatar combat record
//console.table(Person); //debug
console.log(' - Equip ALL Monsters in Database once per game.');
console.log(' - Creating internal static Monster Database:');
console.log(' - Creating internal static Movement Table:\n See book for dynamically generated Movement Tables and Mazes.');
console.log('Distributing 6 Treasures and 7 Monsters once per game.');
// =========================================================
// -------------------------------------------
// Supporting game Function & Classes
// -------------------------------------------
// Change namespace from generic GAMEAPP to your project
// refactor and adjust for your game deployment
// remove console debug information on public deployment
// =========================================================
_audioMgr: function(mode, game) {
switch(mode) {
case 'init': {
GAMEAPP.Storage.initUnset('GAMEAPP.audio', true);
GAMEAPP._audioStatus = GAMEAPP.Storage.get('GAMEAPP.audio');
// GAMEAPP._soundClick = game.add.audio('audio-click');
GAMEAPP._sound = [];
GAMEAPP._sound['click'] = game.add.audio('audio-click');
if(!GAMEAPP._soundMusic) {
GAMEAPP._soundMusic = game.add.audio('audio-theme',1,true);
GAMEAPP._soundMusic.volume = 0.5;
case 'on': {
GAMEAPP._audioStatus = true;
case 'off': {
GAMEAPP._audioStatus = false;
case 'switch': {
GAMEAPP._audioStatus =! GAMEAPP._audioStatus;
default: {}
if(GAMEAPP._audioStatus) {
GAMEAPP._audioOffset = 0;
if(GAMEAPP._soundMusic) {
if(!GAMEAPP._soundMusic.isPlaying) {
else {
GAMEAPP._audioOffset = 4;
if(GAMEAPP._soundMusic) {
game.buttonAudio.setFrames(GAMEAPP._audioOffset+1, GAMEAPP._audioOffset+0, GAMEAPP._audioOffset+2);
// =========================================================
_AllotTreasure: function() {
var RmNum = 2;
var Rm;
var Cntr = 1;
//**TODO**: 5 is a fixed value for demonstation game.
// Create and use a variable
while (Cntr<5) {
// This determines the Room Number
// Notice: using a fixed number here; this
// could be substituted with MT.length for dynamic adjustments
RmNum = (Math.round(Math.random()*18))+1;
if (MT[RmNum].Tres == 0) {
var KeyNum = Math.round(Math.random()*100)+10;
MT[RmNum].Tres += KeyNum;
Cntr += 1;
// console.log("Room #: "+MT[RmNum].RmID);
// console.log("- Mnstr: #"+MT[RmNum].Mnstr);
// console.log("- Tresr: $"+MT[RmNum].Tres);
// Place Treasure in the Private Meeting Room and Treasury regardless
// Notice: using a fixed number here; this
// could be substituted with variable for dynamic adjustments
KeyNum = Math.round(Math.random()*100)+50;
MT[4].Tres += KeyNum;
KeyNum = Math.round(Math.random()*200);
MT[16].Tres += KeyNum;
// console.log("Room #: "+MT[4].RmID);
// console.log("- Mnstr: #"+MT[4].Mnstr);
// console.log("- Tresr: $"+MT[4].Tres);
// console.log("Room #: "+MT[16].RmID);
// console.log("- Mnstr: #"+MT[16].Mnstr);
// console.log("- Tresr: $"+MT[16].Tres);
// console.log("Treasures Allocated.");
console.log("=== Allocate Treasure completed: ===");
// =========================================================
// Prep Frame 2
_AllotMonster: function() {
var RmNum = 1;
var Rm;
var Cntr = 1;
while (Cntr<7) {
// This determines the Room Number
// Notice: using a fixed number here; this
// could be substituted with MT.length for dynamic adjustments
RmNum = (Math.round(Math.random()*18))+1;
if (MT[RmNum].Mnstr == 0) {
//Monster static data file has 26 to choose from
// Notice: using a fixed number here; this could be the variable M.length
// upgrade to Access a local PouchDB or SQLite database
// upgrade to Access a centralized remote database server
var KeyNum = (Math.round(Math.random()*25))+1;
MT[RmNum].Mnstr = KeyNum;
M[KeyNum].Room = RmNum;
Cntr += 1;
// console.log("Room #: "+MT[RmNum].RmID);
// console.log("- Mnstr: #"+MT[RmNum].Mnstr);
// console.log("- Tresr: $"+MT[RmNum].Tres);
// Place Monsters in the Private Meeting Room and Treasury regardless
//Forced Debug routine for room 1
//KeyNum = (Math.round(Math.random()*25))+1;
//MT[1].Mnstr = KeyNum;
// Notice: using a fixed number here; this
// could be substituted with variable for dynamic adjustments
KeyNum = (Math.round(Math.random()*25))+1;
MT[4].Mnstr = KeyNum;
M[KeyNum].Room = 4;
KeyNum = (Math.round(Math.random()*20))+6;
MT[16].Mnstr = KeyNum;
M[KeyNum].Room = 16;
//console.log("Room #: "+MT[1].RmID);
//console.log("- Mnstr: #"+MT[1].Mnstr);
//console.log("- Tresr: $"+MT[1].Tres);
// console.log("Room #: "+MT[4].RmID);
// console.log("- Mnstr: #"+MT[4].Mnstr);
// console.log("- Tresr: $"+MT[4].Tres);
// console.log("Room #: "+MT[16].RmID);
// console.log("- Mnstr: #"+MT[16].Mnstr);
// console.log("- Tresr: $"+MT[16].Tres);
// console.log("=== Monsters Allocated. ===");
//Prep Scene Frame 1
_CombatCheck: function(game){
//save current game progress when returning from combat state
GAMEAPP.LastRoom = GAMEAPP.CrntRoom;
console.log("Room #: "+GAMEAPP.CrntRoom+"; Opponent collision: combat phase.")
this.camera.fade(0x000000, 200, false);
this.time.events.add(200, function() {
//ARRA Combat rv_3 through rv_8; switched statements used
}, this);
// Prep Frame 4
//Develop Character Combat Record
_DevelopCR: function(){
//Character CombtRecord Initialized and UPdated prior to combat- ONCE!!!
Person[1].TotalAP = Number(CCP.TotalAP);
Person[1].WS = ((Number(CCP.Stmn) * 2) + (Number(CCP.WSRaw) * 5));
Person[1].BS = ((Number(CCP.Coor) * 2) + (Number(CCP.BSRaw) * 5));
Person[1].PS = ((Number(CCP.Coor) * 2) + (Number(CCP.WSRaw) * 5));
Person[1].ModStmn = Number(CCP.ModStmn);
Person[1].Renown = Number(CCP.Renown);
//console.log("Char Stats:");
//console.log(" Total AP: " + Person[1].TotalAP);
//console.log(" WS: " + Person[1].WS);
//console.log(" BS: " + Person[1].BS);
//console.log(" PS: " + Person[1].PS);
//console.log(" ModStmn: " + Person[1].ModStmn);
// =========================================================
_ExitGame: function(){
// redirect your gamers to your destination
window.open("https://leanpub.com/LoRD", "_blank");
// =========================================================
//Main ARRA Entrance Door
_knockKnock: function(door){
console.log("Room #: "+this.CrntRoom+"; Door Clicked: "+door.name)
// =========================================================
_InventoryRoom: function(door){
GAMEAPP.LastRoom = GAMEAPP.CrntRoom;
console.log("Room #: "+GAMEAPP.CrntRoom+"; Inventory Clicked: "+door.name);
//visual sfx
this.camera.fade(0x000000, 200, false);
this.time.events.add(200, function() {
this.game.state.start('Inventory'); //ARRA Inventory Scene rv_3 through rv_8
}, this);
// =========================================================
//Prep Scene Frame 1
// Movement performed
// Monster moves in opposite direction of Char
_MoveChar: function (cursor,player){
//**TODO**: adjust as required;
// more weight carred results in slower movement?
// modifications for race?
var speed = 250; //in pixels;
player.body.velocity.x = 0; //in pixels
player.body.velocity.y = 0; //in pixels
//monitor player's movement input
if (cursor.up.isDown){
player.body.velocity.y -= speed;
if (cursor.down.isDown){
player.body.velocity.y += speed;
if (cursor.right.isDown){
player.body.velocity.x += speed;
if (cursor.left.isDown){
player.body.velocity.x -= speed;
// =========================================================
// Prep Frame 4
_MonsterPrep: function(game){
// Notice: using a fixed number here; this
// could be substituted with variable for dynamic adjustments
//Equip Monster ONCE per game
for(var i=1; i<26; i++){
var Trash = (Math.round(Math.random()*6))+1;
//Random Armor Names and TotalAP protection as deductions from damage
if (Trash == 1){
M[i].Armor = "Small Shield";
M[i].TotalAP += 1;
if ((Trash == 2) || (Trash == 0)){
M[i].Armor = "Leather Jerkin";
M[i].TotalAP += 2;
if (Trash == 3){
M[i].Armor = "Shield & Leather Jerkin";
M[i].TotalAP += 3;
if (Trash == 4){
M[i].Armor = "Ring Mail";
M[i].TotalAP += 3;
if (Trash == 5){
M[i].Armor = "Chain Mail";
M[i].TotalAP += 3;
if (Trash == 6){
M[i].Armor = "Ring Mail & Shield";
M[i].TotalAP += 4;
Trash = (Math.round(Math.random()*6))+1;
//Assign Random Weapons; Weapon Damage is the number of 6-sided dice.
if (Trash == 1){
M[i].Weapn = "Small Ax";
M[i].WDam += 1;
if ((Trash == 2) || (Trash == 0)){
M[i].Weapn = "Short Sword";
M[i].WDam += 2;
if (Trash == 3){
M[i].Weapn = "Mace";
M[i].WDam += 2;
if (Trash == 4){
M[i].Weapn = "Cutlass";
M[i].WDam += 2;
if (Trash == 5){
M[i].Weapn = "Long Bow & Sh. Sword";
M[i].WDam += 2;
if (Trash == 6){
M[i].Weapn = "Short Bow & Ax";
M[i].WDam += 1;
if(i == 26){
//Set Wyvern Armor
M[26].Armor = "Scales";
M[26].TotalAP = 4;
//Set Wyvern natural weapons
M[26].Weapn = "Fangs & Claws";
M[26].WDam +=3;
//Prep Scene Frame 1
_MoveMonster: function (cursor,monster){
//**TODO**: adjust as required;
// more weight carred results in slower movement?
// modifications for race?
var speed = 250; //in pixels
monster.body.velocity.x = 0; //in pixels
monster.body.velocity.y = 0; //in pixels
if (cursor.up.isDown){
monster.body.velocity.y += speed;
if (cursor.down.isDown){
monster.body.velocity.y -= speed;
if (cursor.right.isDown){
monster.body.velocity.x -= speed;
if (cursor.left.isDown){
monster.body.velocity.x += speed;
// =========================================================
_newGame: function(){
//**TODO**: adjust as required
// redirect gamers to your site for new game
window.open("https://adventurers-of-renown.com/gameapp/", "_blank");
// =========================================================
_playAudio: function(sound) {
if(GAMEAPP._audioStatus) {
if(GAMEAPP._sound && GAMEAPP._sound[sound]) {
// =========================================================
_PostMonster: function (game,enemy){
//create an opponent; Check for monster in this room
if(MT[this.CrntRoom].Mnstr > 0){
this.enemy = this.game.add.sprite(MT[this.CrntRoom].mxPos,MT[this.CrntRoom].myPos,'avatar');
this.enemy.frameName = String(M[MT[this.CrntRoom].Mnstr].icon+'.bmp');
this.enemy.body.collideWorldBounds = true;
this.enemy.enableBody = true;
this.enemy.body.immovable = true;
this.game.physics.enable(this.enemy, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);
// =========================================================
_PostTres: function (game,Treasure){
if(MT[this.CrntRoom].Tres > 0){
//**TODO**: store information text in a database for dynamic language conversion.
InfoText = "There treasure here! See it?!!\n Score: " + CCP.Score;
this.Treasure = game.add.sprite(0,0,'avatar');
this.Treasure.frameName = 'treasure.bmp';
this.Treasure.body.collideWorldBounds = true;
//Place Treasure Chest icon mid-way between
this.Treasure.x = Number((xPos + MT[this.CrntRoom].mxPos)/2);
this.Treasure.y = Number((yPos + MT[this.CrntRoom].myPos)/2);
// =========================================================
// Prep Frame 3: Player Updates Combat Record to current stats
//**TODO**: adjust as required to deploy array index 1-4 are player(s); 5-8 are antagonsists but could gamer controlled as
// single player for Multi-avatar teams; OR
// multi-player single avatar controlled
_PUpdate: function (){
var CTurnNum = 0;
GAMEAPP.CmbtTurn = 0;
GAMEAPP.Narr1 = "";
GAMEAPP.Narr2 = "";
//Character UPdated ONCE after Person Combat Record initialized.
Person[1].TotalAP = Number(CCP.TotalAP);
Person[1].WS = ((Number(CCP.Stmn) * 2) + (Number(CCP.WSRaw) * 5));
Person[1].BS = ((Number(CCP.Coor) * 2) + (Number(CCP.BSRaw) * 5));
Person[1].PS = ((Number(CCP.Coor) * 2) + (Number(CCP.WSRaw) * 5));
Person[1].ModStmn = Number(CCP.ModStmn);
Person[1].Renown = Number(CCP.Renown);
// console.log("Char Stats Re-read:");
// console.log(" Total AP: " + Person[1].TotalAP);
// console.log(" WS: " + Person[1].WS);
// console.log(" BS: " + Person[1].BS);
// console.log(" PS: " + Person[1].PS);
// console.log(" ModStmn: " + Person[1].ModStmn);
//Monster UPdates
//setting Computer controlled antagonist;
Person[6].TotalAP = (M[MT[this.CrntRoom].Mnstr].TotalAP);
Person[6].Coor = Number(M[MT[this.CrntRoom].Mnstr].Coor);
Person[6].Food = Number(M[MT[this.CrntRoom].Mnstr].Food);
Person[6].Gold = Number(M[MT[this.CrntRoom].Mnstr].HGold);
Person[6].Gem = Number(M[MT[this.CrntRoom].Mnstr].HGem);
Person[6].WS = ((Number(M[MT[this.CrntRoom].Mnstr].Stmn) * 2) + (Number(M[MT[this.CrntRoom].Mnstr].WSRaw) * 5));
Person[6].BS = ((Number(M[MT[this.CrntRoom].Mnstr].Coor) * 2) + (Number(M[MT[this.CrntRoom].Mnstr].BSRaw) * 5));
Person[6].PS = ((Number(M[MT[this.CrntRoom].Mnstr].Coor) * 2) + (Number(M[MT[this.CrntRoom].Mnstr].WSRaw) * 5));
Person[6].ModStmn = Number(M[MT[this.CrntRoom].Mnstr].Stmn);
Person[6].Renown = Number(M[MT[this.CrntRoom].Mnstr].Renown);
// console.log("Monster Stats:");
// console.log(" Total AP: " + Person[6].TotalAP);
// console.log(" WS: " + Person[6].WS);
// console.log(" BS: " + Person[6].BS);
// console.log(" PS: " + Person[6].PS);
// console.log(" ModStmn: " + Person[6].ModStmn);
_RenownCheck: function (game){
//**TODO**: store information text in a database for dynamic language conversion.
//is a monster in this room?
if (MT[this.CrntRoom].Mnstr > 0){
//Ran away while monster was still living in the room.
CCP.Renown -= 1;
GAMEAPP.InfoText = "Score :"+CCP.TempScore+"\n Running from Combat? \n Renown is " + CCP.Renown;
// =========================================================
_RmAdmin: function (CrntRoom){
//add to avatar experience for Room discovery
CCP.Score += Number(MT[this.CrntRoom].Discovr);
MT[this.CrntRoom].Discovr = 0;
// =========================================================
//Prep Scene Frame 1
//**TODO**: store information in a database for dynamic avatar inventory.
_WeaponClass: function (w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, w8, w9, w10, w11, w12, w13, w14) {
this.WID = w1;
this.Name = w2;
this.DamPossible = w3;
this.DamMod = w4;
this.Cost = w5;
this.Worth = w6;
// New property. Current armor value to sell
this.Weight = w7;
this.StmnReq = w8;
this.CoorReq = w9;
this.Use = w10;
// 1=One handed; 2=Both hands
this.Mode = w11;
// M=Melee;Missle=M;T=Thrown: "MMT"
this.DamType = w12;
// Chop=C;Slash=S;Smash=S;Thrust=T: "CSST"
this.Magic = w13;
this.Renown = w14;
this.DamageDone = this._GetWpnDamage();
// Damage Delt per call
// Class Inherited Methods:
// =========================================================
// -------------------------------------------
// End Main game Handler
// -------------------------------------------
// =========================================================
//TODO: integration
_labelButton: function(game,x,y,key,label,callback,
callbackContext, overFrame, outFrame, downFrame, upFrame){
callbackContext, overFrame, outFrame, downFrame, upFrame);
//Style how you wish...
this.style = {'font': '10px Arial','fill':'black'};
this.anchor.setTo( 0.5, 0.5 );
this.label = new Phaser.Text(game, 0, 0, label, this.style);
//puts the label in the center of the button
this.label.anchor.setTo( 0.5, 0.5 );
this.setLabel( label );
//adds button to game
game.add.existing( this );
_labelButton.prototype = Object.create(Phaser.Button.prototype);
_labelButton.prototype.constructor = _labelButton;
_labelButton.prototype.setLabel = function( label ) {
* See Phaser.js Game Design Workbook for complete explanation
* https://leanpub.com/phaserjsgamedesignworkbook
* window.onload = function () {
* let game = new Phaser.Game(0, 0, Phaser.AUTO, document.body);
* };
//preferred lauch method for BOM.
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(){
}, false);
See Examples here
The "play.js" is the "Game Framework Mechanisms" (GFM) Component. It holds the "... all the visual elements ... " of the game. We could replace this file with another and have a "new game" using the same Game Mechanics (GM).
Room States R1.js through R19.js are all similar in construction. Refer to your Bonus Download files for details on each Room State.
* File Name: R##.js
* File URL: https://www.adventurers-of-renown.com/GAMEAPP/index.html
* Description: File for controlling and displaying game entry scenes; managing global variables throughout game state.
* Author: Stephen Gose
* Version:
* Author URL: https://www.stephen-gose.com/
* Support: support@pbmcube.com
* Copyright © \u00A9 1974-2017 Stephen Gose LLC. All rights reserved.
* Do not sell! Do not distribute!
* This is a licensed permission file. Please refer to Terms of Use
* and End Users License Agreement (EULA).
* Search for [ //**TODO** ] to tailor this file for your own use and will void any support agreement.
* Redistribution of part or whole of this file and
* the accompanying files is strictly prohibited.
"use strict";
window.GAMEAPP.state.R6 = {
preload: function(){
console.log("loading Room 6 state");
GAMEAPP.CrntRoom = 6;
this.game.load.image('R6', 'assets/images/staticRooms/R6.jpg');
this.load.spritesheet('button', 'assets/spriteSheets/mmog-sprites-silver.png', 129, 30);
create: function(){
console.log("creating Room 6 state");
this.game.add.image(0, 0, 'R6');
var rect = new Phaser.Rectangle(90, 100, 200, 200);
//Set a neutral background color
this.game.stage.backgroundColor = "#000";
//Set game to ARCADE physics systemLanguage
this.game.renderer.renderSession.roundPixels = true;
this.game.world.enableBody = true;
//Create Room
this.Room = this.game.add.group();
this.Room.enableBody = true;
this.game.physics.enable(this.Room, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);
this.NorthWall = this.game.add.sprite(90,110,box({length:190,width:16,color:'#999'}));
this.NorthWall.enableBody = true;
this.NorthWall.body.immovable = true;
this.NorthWall.visible = false;
this.NorthWall.alignTo(rect, Phaser.TOP_CENTER);
this.SouthWall = this.game.add.sprite(0,200,box({length:190,width:16,color:'#999'}));
this.SouthWall.body.immovable = true;
this.SouthWall.visible = false;
this.SouthWall.alignTo(rect, Phaser.BOTTOM_CENTER);
this.WestWall = this.game.add.sprite(200,16,box({length:16,width:190,color:'#999'}));
this.WestWall.body.immovable = true;
this.WestWall.visible = false;
this.WestWall.alignTo(rect, Phaser.RIGHT_CENTER);
this.EastWall = this.game.add.sprite(90,16,box({length:16,width:190,color:'#999'}));
this.EastWall.body.immovable = true;
this.EastWall.visible = false;
this.EastWall.alignTo(rect, Phaser.LEFT_CENTER);
//Main Entrance Doors
var Entrance = this.game.add.sprite(90,120,'doorButton'); //perfectly aligned over placeholder
Entrance.name = "Main Entrance";
Entrance.frameName = 'mainEntrance.jpg';
Entrance.body.immovable = true;
Entrance.inputEnabled = true;
Entrance.events.onInputDown.add(this.newRoom, this);
//insert into RoomGroup
//create treasure if needed; check for treasure in this room
if(MT[GAMEAPP.CrntRoom].Tres > 0){
GAMEAPP.InfoText = "Score: "+CCP.Score+"\n Click on the Door to enter.\nThere treasure here! See it?!!";
this.Treasure = this.game.add.sprite(200,200,'tres');
this.Treasure.frameName = 'treasure.bmp';
this.Treasure.body.collideWorldBounds = true;
this.Treasure.enableBody = true;
this.Treasure.body.immovable = true;
this.Treasure.inputEnabled = true;
this.game.physics.enable(this.Treasure, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);
//clicking treasure for mobile interaction
this.Treasure.events.onInputDown.add(this.CTreasure, this);
this.Treasure.alignIn(rect, Phaser.BOTTOM_CENTER);
this.inventorytxt = this.game.add.text(0, 0, "Inventory" , GAMEAPP.styleBTN);
this.exittxt = this.game.add.text(0, 0, "Exit" , GAMEAPP.styleBTN);
this._toolTip = this.game.add.text(this.game.world.width-100, this.game.world.height-90, GAMEAPP.InfoText, GAMEAPP.styleTT);
GAMEAPP.RoomAlert = "";
// Inventory button
this.inventoryButton = this.game.add.button(65, 338, 'button', GAMEAPP._InventoryRoom, this, 2, 1, 0,1);
// Exit button
this.exitButton = this.game.add.button(65, 361, 'button', GAMEAPP._ExitGame, this, 2, 1, 0,1);
//create an opponent; Check for monster in this room
if(MT[GAMEAPP.CrntRoom].Mnstr > 0){
GAMEAPP.RoomAlert = "Beware, a " + M[MT[GAMEAPP.CrntRoom].Mnstr].Race + " is here!"
GAMEAPP.raTxt = this.game.add.text(this.game.world.width-268, 65, GAMEAPP.RoomAlert, GAMEAPP.styleRA);
this.enemy = this.game.add.sprite(MT[GAMEAPP.CrntRoom].mxPos,MT[GAMEAPP.CrntRoom].myPos,'avatar');
this.enemy.frameName = String(M[MT[GAMEAPP.CrntRoom].Mnstr].icon+'.bmp');
this.enemy.body.collideWorldBounds = true;
this.game.physics.enable(this.enemy, Phaser.Physics.ARCADE);
this.enemy.alignIn(rect, Phaser.RIGHT_CENTER);
//clicking fight for mobile interaction
// Fight button
this.fighttxt = this.game.add.text(0, 0, "Fight" , GAMEAPP.styleBTN);
this.fightButton = this.game.add.button(152, 338, 'button', GAMEAPP._CombatCheck, this, 2, 1, 0,1);
// Talk button
var talktxt = this.game.add.text(0, 0, "Talk" , GAMEAPP.styleBTN);
var talkButton = this.game.add.button(152, 361, 'button', this._talkToMonster, this, 2, 1, 0,1);
//place character
this.player = this.game.add.sprite(GAMEAPP.xPos,GAMEAPP.yPos,'avatar');
this.player.frameName = 'avatar.bmp';
this.player.body.collideWorldBounds = true;
this.cursor = this.game.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys();
this.player.alignIn(rect, Phaser.LEFT_CENTER);
update: function(){
this.game.physics.arcade.collide(this.player, this.Room);
//Check for monster in this room
if (MT[GAMEAPP.CrntRoom].Mnstr > 0) {
this.game.physics.arcade.collide(this.enemy, this.Room);
//Check for treasure in this room
if (MT[GAMEAPP.CrntRoom].Tres > 0) {
// =========================================================
//Main ARRA Door click handler.
// it is an exception use case
newRoom: function(door){
GAMEAPP.LastRoom = GAMEAPP.CrntRoom;
GAMEAPP.LastDoor = door.name;
console.log('Last Door Used: '+GAMEAPP.LastDoor);
console.log("New Room #: "+GAMEAPP.CrntRoom+"; Door Clicked: "+door.name);
this.camera.fade(0x000000, 200, false);
this.time.events.add(200, function() {
this.game.state.start('R'+MT[GAMEAPP.LastRoom].East); //ARRA Main Entrance (hard coded) rv_3 through rv_8
}, this);
_talkToMonster: function(){
GAMEAPP.InfoText = "... mmm, not in the mood to negotiate?!";
CTreasure: function(){
CCP.HGold += MT[GAMEAPP.CrntRoom].Tres;
GAMEAPP.InfoText = "You found $"+MT[GAMEAPP.CrntRoom].Tres+" in the chest.";
MT[GAMEAPP.CrntRoom].Tres = 0;
this._toolTip.setText("You found $"+MT[GAMEAPP.CrntRoom].Tres+" in the chest.");
// =========================================================
//create a box Image (pseudo graphics) for the HTML5 canvas.
var box = function(options) {
var bxImg = GAMEAPP.game.add.bitmapData(options.length,options.width);
bxImg.ctx.fillStyle = options.color;
return bxImg;
See Examples here
* File Name: story.js
* File URL: https://www.adventurers-of-renown.com/GAMEAPP/index.html
* Description: File for controlling initial entry into game shell and scenes; managing global variables throughout game state.
* Author: Stephen Gose
* Version:
* Author URL: https://www.stephen-gose.com/
* Support: support@pbmcube.com
* Copyright © \u00A9 1974-2017 Stephen Gose LLC. All rights reserved.
* Do not sell! Do not distribute!
* This is a licensed permission file. Please refer to Terms of Use
* and End Users License Agreement (EULA).
* Search for [ //**TODO** ] to tailor this file for your own use and will void any support agreement.
* Redistribution of part or whole of this file and
* the accompanying files is strictly prohibited.
* This file is automatically loaded from state/load.js
* to change default state - change state/load.js at line: 34
"use strict";
window.GAMEAPP.state.story = {
preload: function(){
console.log(" %c Game Prototype preloader immediate game resources ", "color:white; background:red");
console.log("%c Starting my awesome MMoG game Prototype! \n | https://renown-games.com/shop | \n | \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665 -> $120 License included in book! \n | Book available at: https://leanpub.com/LoRD | ",
"color:white; background:blue");
this.game.load.image('story', 'assets/images/staticRooms/story.jpg');
//using altas for graphics; loading graphics for the main menu state now;
// they should be in the cache when needed.
// game theme music file should be deferred to splash/language phase.
//navigation and menu buttons;
//two methods to load spriteSheets: 1) classic or 2) texture atlas
//load navigation buttons using classic method
//using programmatic method
create: function(){
console.log("starting story line state");
this.game.add.image(0, 0, 'story');
var buttonContinue = this.add.button(this.world.width, this.world.height-100, 'button-continue', this.clickContinue, this, 1, 0, 2);
buttonContinue.x = this.world.width+buttonContinue.width+20;
this.add.tween(buttonContinue).to({x: this.world.width-20}, 500, Phaser.Easing.Exponential.Out, true);
this.camera.flash(0x000000, 500, false);
update: function(){
clickContinue: function() {
this.camera.fade(0x000000, 200, false);
this.time.events.add(200, function() {
//this.game.state.start('Main'); //BBS & Flash website: TIGStart method
this.game.state.start('R6'); //ARRA Main Entrance rv_3 through rv_8
}, this);
_preloadResources() {
var pack = this.resources;
for(var method in pack) {
pack[method].forEach(function(args) {
var loader = this.load[method];
loader && loader.apply(this.load, args);
}, this);
//internal static; JSON game resources
this.resources = {
['button', 'assets/spriteSheets/mmog-sprites-silver.png', 129, 30],
['combat', 'assets/images/staticRooms/combat.jpg'],
['Inventory', 'assets/images/staticRooms/inventory.jpg'],
['R1', 'assets/images/staticRooms/R1.jpg'],
['R2', 'assets/images/staticRooms/R2.jpg'],
['R3', 'assets/images/staticRooms/R3.jpg'],
['R4', 'assets/images/staticRooms/R4.jpg'],
['R5', 'assets/images/staticRooms/R5.jpg'],
['R6', 'assets/images/staticRooms/R6.jpg'],
['R7', 'assets/images/staticRooms/R7.jpg'],
['R8', 'assets/images/staticRooms/R8.jpg'],
['R9', 'assets/images/staticRooms/R9.jpg'],
['R10', 'assets/images/staticRooms/R10.jpg'],
['R11', 'assets/images/staticRooms/R11.jpg'],
['R12', 'assets/images/staticRooms/R12.jpg'],
['R13', 'assets/images/staticRooms/R13.jpg'],
['R14', 'assets/images/staticRooms/R14.jpg'],
['R15', 'assets/images/staticRooms/R15.jpg'],
['R16', 'assets/images/staticRooms/R16.jpg'],
['R17', 'assets/images/staticRooms/R17.jpg'],
['R18', 'assets/images/staticRooms/R18.jpg'],
['R19', 'assets/images/staticRooms/R19.jpg']
['button', 'assets/spriteSheets/mmog-sprites-silver.png', 129, 30],
See Examples here
Copyright © 2017, Stephen Gose LLC.
All rights reserved.