Indie Game Developers' Assistant Tools (IGDA Tools)
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Random Game Mechanics Generator
This idea generation machine randomly selects 3 — by default — common game theory mechanics. The game mechanics and descriptions should help your imagination blend and consolidate the next block-buster game.
Game Genre
These game genre help you catalog your new project into the correct distribution channels. This list is combined from 5 of the largest game publishers world-wide.
Game Mechanisms
This library of game controls and mechanism spans several javascript gaming frameworks. (more are on the way!) This tools helps you choose the game display controls then opens the generic code snapshots (aka "snippets"). Spend a minute to refactor these snapshots to your design and you'll have a functional "Game Prototype" in minutes.
ARQ Editor
The "Adventurers of Renown Quest"™ Editor helps indie developers to create "White-labeled" adventure maps.
Game Design Documentation Tool
This generation machine generates Game Design Documents based on your previous section selection and the Technical Design document collects all your chosen Game Mechanism.
Application License Generation
This generation site generates Software Licenses based on your selections.