Chapter #5 Examples
Here’s what we’ve fought for thus far. . .
- Learned the 4 virtues of a good tactical combat system.
- Separated Conflict spacial aspects;
- Developed various modes of combat: ranged, melee and hand-to-hand.
- Provided gamers with correct weapon usage in various combat modes.
- Created dynamic menu responding to current state of conflict.
- Analyzed the Phaser Weapons function.
- Researched the 3rd Person missile demo.
- Discovered how to juice up games.
- Developed two distinct tactical movement styles and matching tile-maps.
- Contain combatants with a combat arena.
- Programmed several inputs to control player's avatar.
- Researched the Grid-less Combat demo.
- Develop tactical maneuvers as an added feature.
- Researched the Grid-ed Combat demo.
- Discovered the proper "separation of concerns" for Tiled-Maps.
- Developed movement tables as a super-set of Tiled-Maps.
- Deployed square grids for various moves and combat engagement.
- Deployed hexagonal grids with either vertical or horizontal orientation.
- Researched the Hex Grid Combat demo.
- Deployed squishes as a movement and tile-map.
- Discovered how to import new graphics art under the "separation of concerns" game prototyping.
- Learned the subtle differences of Phaser Cache and BitmapData.
- Found resource tools to develop movement tables and Tile-Maps.
- Analyzed the difference in tile-map tools and importing into Phaser.
- Examined various Mozilla Game Developers References for Tiled-Maps creation.
- Examined various Red Blob References for square and hexagonal Tiled-Maps creation.
- Researched 6 different conflict systems.
- Studied popular conflict systems across various ethnic and cultural groups.
- Analyzed the "Click-fest" finite state machine.
- Learned about minimum button sizes for mobile games.
- Adapted the "Guitar Hero" style of conflict.
- Discovered the Society for Creative Anachronism and their "Virtual Fighter Practice" combat system.
- Discovered "En Guard" queued turn system.
- Learned to adapt and innovate gambling games into a combat system.
- Discovered how to enhance conflict systems with narrative story lines.
- Migrated all current game prototype mechanisms into a separate name space.
Use arrow keys to move.