Welcome to Making Browser Games

Making Browser Games (MBG) is an educational website about game design and development using commonly used browsers within IoT and computing devices. Our articles are targeted towards beginners to intermediate developers who have an interest in building their own mobile, WebXR, and browser game(s).

We have subordinate supporting websites for our courses and game development books. Select your specific website below.


NEW! Courses, Starter Kits, and libraries!

Start Your Own Game Studio!

You could start your own game studio by next week!

I've launched a series of Phaser Game Starter Kit as individual chapters from the Phaser Game Starter Kit Collection. These "blueprint starter kits" are short pamphlets (mostly less than 150-200 pages ... a quick hour's read because they're most source code!) on the following game mechanics in both Phaser v2.x.x and v3.16+.